
Produced within the framework of the Migration Profile Development Project for the Philippines, the Country Migration Report: The Philippines (CMR) provides a comprehensive evidence-based account of the country’s migration experience in a single, concise document to serve as a tool for policy-making.


El Perfil Migratorio de Perú presenta información de carácter cuantitativo y cualitativo y analiza diversos aspectos vinculados con las migraciones hacia y desde el país. A partir de la utilización de información de tipo secundaria, este perfil migratorio procura dimensionar la población de migrantes residentes en Perú como la de peruanos en el exterior, esto último a partir de métodos de estimación basados en los registros administrativos.


Hacia fines del siglo XIX, Paraguay comienza a perfilarse como un país expulsor de población, principalmente a la Argentina.

system admin


Nigeria is an important destination country for migrants in the West African region. The latest available figures indicate that the number of immigrants residing in Nigeria has more than doubled in recent decades. The majority of immigrants in Nigeria are from neighbouring ECOWAS countries.


Le faible niveau de développement du Niger a engendré plus d’émigration que d’immigration, au cours des 10 dernières années. La longue crise économique que le pays a connue, notamment des années 1980 et 1990, a contribué à ralentir le rythme d’accroissement du stock des immigrants internationaux du fait de la réduction des opportunités d'emploi au Niger. Toutefois, on pourrait s'attendre à une augmentation progressive des immigrants internationaux en raison de la reprise économique progressive et des perspectives économiques très prometteuses qui s'ouvrent au Niger.


The International Organization for Migration (IOM), Mission to Nicaragua is proud to present the result of a two years work in the field of migration and development data collecting and analysis in Nicaragua - the Migration Profile of Nicaragua 2012, developed in context of the EU-funded project “Strengthening the Dialogue and Cooperation Between the European Union, Latin America and the Caribbean”.


The Migration Profiles in South-Eastern Europe were created partly in reaction to the EU Council Conclusions of June 2007 on Extending and Enhancing the Global Approach to Migration, based on the Commission Communications of May 2007 on applying the Global Approach to migration to the Eastern and South-Eastern regions neighbouring the European Union and on circular migration and mobility partnerships, which particularly calls for drawing up country-specific migration profiles.

Republic of Moldova

The International Organization for Migration (IOM), Mission to Moldova is proud to present the result of a two years work in the field of migration data collecting and analysis in Moldova - the Extended Migration Profile (EMP) Report of the Republic of Moldova, developed in context of the project “Supporting the implementation of the migration and development component of the EU–Moldova Mobility Partnership”, funded by EU and implemented by IOM.

Republic of Moldova

“Migration in Moldova: A Country Profile 2008” is part of a series of migration profiles produced by IOM Budapest within the “Black Sea Consultative Process on Migration Management” project, funded from IOM’s 1035 Facility. Moldova is a net emigration country. Moldavians started to emigrate soon after the country proclaimed its independence, but emigration (especially Labour migration) has started to peak in the late 1990s following a severe economic crisis.


La Mauritanie a toujours été au centre d'activités migratoires importantes. Les statistiques récentes laissent voir qu'il s'agit d'un pays d'immigration important pour les pays voisins même s'il s'agit surtout d'une migration de transit. L'entrée d'étrangers en Mauritanie est aussi encouragée par des facteurs à caractère politique, juridique et social et également par sa proximité géographique à l'Europe.

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