3S Initiative

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

The Initiative on Sustainability, Stability and Security (3S) is an inter-governmental initiative that aims to present an African perspective on migration and instability linked to natural resources.

Valetta Action plan

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

Following the Valetta Summit on Migration, the EU agreed on the Valetta Action plan --an extensive, balanced and efficient implementation plan built around five priority fields:

  • addressing root causes of irregular migration
  • promoting legal migration and mobility
  • reinforcing of protection
  • preventing and fighting smuggling and human trafficking
  • strengthening cooperation in return and reintegration.

EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa

Submitted by system admin on

As part of the European Agenda on Migration, the European Union has launched the European Trust Fund for Africa. Through funding specific projects linked to the creation of employment opportunities, the enhancement of food and nutrition security or the improvement of migration management, the objective of the Fund is to foster stability along the migration route to Europe and work with African partners.

Ministry of State for Migration and Egyptian Affairs Abroad

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

The Ministry of State for Migration and Egyptian Affairs Abroad has been established in 2015, which is related to the migrants. This is a very important development for Egypt since it’s the Egyptian diaspora who has for the first time influenced this work. In the previous years the migration issues were mostly handled by the Ministry of Labour. Egypt is highly focused on diplomacy and aims to make sure that the migrants abroad contribute to the economic development of the country.

ICMPD’s Asylum Programme for ICMPD Member States

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

The ICMPD Asylum Programme for ICMPD Member States provides a forum for asylum experts and policy makers of ICMPD Member States to exchange views on current challenges in the area of asylum. The exchange of ICMPD Member States on asylum-related 'hot issues' are mainly being facilitated in the framework of round table discussions and/or expert hearings. Following a consultation process with and based on the priorities of ICMPD’s Member States the Programme so far addressed the following topics:

Continuous survey of Australia's migrants (CSAM)

Submitted by system admin on

The CSAM measures the labour market integration of recently arrived migrants in the Skill and Family Streams. Findings from this survey help us to inform the size and composition of Australia's Migration Programme.

Migrants taking part in the CSAM are surveyed on two occasions to capture changes in their labour market status. This provides reliable insights into the migrant integration process, and the extent of underemployment against the backdrop of a changing labour market.

"Push and Pull Factors of International Migration"

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

This is a report on the joint Eurostat-NIDI project aimed at studying the push and pull factors determining international migration flows. The objective of the project is to improve understanding of the direct and indirect causes and mechanisms of international migration to the European Union, from an internationally comparative perspective. The results are intended to serve as a basis for the development of policy instruments and to provide tools for estimating future migration.

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