Official Name
Republic of Austria
ISO2 Code
ISO3 Code
47 20 N
13 20 E
POINT (13.2 47.2)
Attended Meeting
Financial Contribution

No Financial Contribution

RT Participation

No Participation

Attended Prep Meetings
Attended Summit
Financial Contribution

No Financial Contribution

RT Participation
  • Government Team Member in RT 2.2 "Managing Migration and Minimizing the Negative Impacts of Irregular Migration" 
Attended Prep Meetings
Attended Summit
Financial Contribution

No Financial Contribution

RT Participation

No Participation

Attended Summit
Financial Contribution

No Financial Contribution

RT Participation

No Participation

Attended Prep Meetings
Attended Summit
Financial Contribution

No Financial Contribution

RT Participation

No Participation

Attended Summit
Financial Contribution

No Financial Contribution

RT Participation

No Participation

Attended Summit
Financial Contribution

No Financial Contribution

RT Participation

No Participation

Attended Prep Meetings
Attended Summit
Thematic Meetings
- Attended Thematic Meeting on "Operationalizing Mainstreaming of Migration in Development Policy and Integrating Migration in the Post-2015 UN Development Agenda" on 22 May 2013 in Geneva, Switzerland
Financial Contribution

No Financial Contribution

RT Participation

No Participation

Attended Summit
Thematic Meetings
- Attended Thematic Meeting on "Recognizing the contributions of women migrants to economic and social development in countries of origin and destination and addressing their specific needs, particularly concerning respect for their human rights" on 8 September 2015 in Geneva, Switzerland.
Financial Contribution

No Financial Contribution

RT Participation
  • Government Team Member in RT 2.1. " Migration, diversity and harmonious societies" 
  • Government Team Member in RT 3.2. "Principles, institutions and processes for safe, orderly and regular migration" 
Attended Summit
Thematic Meetings
- Attended the GFMD Thematic Workshop on "Migration for Harmonious Societies" on 18 May 2016 in Geneva, Switzerland.
Financial Contribution

No Financial Contribution

RT Participation
  • Government Team Member in RT 1.2. "From Global Agenda to Implementation - National Action Plans for migration-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 
  • Government Team Member in RT 2.1. "Moving beyond emergencies - Creating development solutions to the mutual benefit of host and origin communities and dispalced persons" 
Attended Summit
Financial Contribution

No Financial Contribution

RT Participation

Government Team Member in RT 1.2 "Migrants' enagement with public services: from basic access to co-production"

Attended Prep Meetings
Attended Summit

STARTwien Das Jugend Youth College

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

The STARTwien Das Jugend Youth College operates in two locations in Vienna by nine partner networks offers around 200 places to young asylum seekers within the age group of 15- 21. It is a fast-track skills training programme that is delivered within a span of nine months, around 20 hours per week of education and mentoring focusing on German and vocational subjects. The prospective candidates are selected and enrolled after their evaluation of language skills and basic competencies in mathematics, English and IT.

MigrantVoicesHeard - Enhancing the participation of migrants through the creation of migrant councils

Submitted by Costanza Bindi on

The aim of the MigrantVoicesHeard project is to promote refugee and migrant participation in the design and implementation of integration and related policies at the local, regional, and national levels in seven EU countries: Austria, Bulgaria, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, and Romania.

More specifically, the project aims to:

EUROMED Migration V (EMM5)

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

In the framework of the EUROMED Migration V project, trainings to sensitise journalists and media professionals about the benefits of promoting a balanced narrative on migration are organised. Public Communicatorsí Workshops are developed to highlight the central role of public communicators in informing the public debate on migration, and in shaping people's perceptions of migration.

E-Mindful Project

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Aware of the divisive potential of an increasing polarized public discourse on migration, the project will pool lessons from selected awareness-raising campaigns on migration. Such analysis will offer evidence-based grounds to develop innovative prototypes of awareness-raising/edutainment formats in collaboration with communication experts at the national level, including University faculties of semiotics, communication and marketing, schools of journalism/TV/radio and art.

Prague Process Action Plan 2023-2027

Submitted by Ms. Anqi ZHANG on

Making migration and mobility positive forces for development
1. Bring together representatives of diaspora communities and governments of countries of origin and destination for round-table debates on sharing best practices and on recognising the role and needs of diaspora communities in development and investment in countries of origin as well as in integration in the host societies.

Youth College

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

The Youth College is a free education, training and mentoring programme for young migrants (mostly asylum-seekers) aged between 15 and 21 in Vienna. As part of the city’s broader “Start Wien” integration initiative, the aim of the Youth College is to help young migrants lead an independent life as quickly as possible by preparing them for further education, vocational training or the workplace.

 Liechtenstein Languages

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

Liechtenstein Languages is a non-profit language course project. It is designed to 1.) train language trainers and 2.) teach German or other languages to migrants and refugees who have arrived and settled in Europe, especially in German speaking countries (Austria, Germany, Liechtenstein, Switzerland).

Link Up! Feasibility Study – Financing Diaspora Entrepreneurship

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

Link Up! Financing diaspora entrepreneurship - Feasibility study
The feasibility study serves as a basis for the development of a comprehensive programme to support diaspora entrepreneurs through networking opportunities, capacity building and seed capital. The study analyses the existing challenges in Austria to support diaspora entrepreneurs, identifies the needs of diaspora entrepreneurs so that they are better able to contribute to their country of origin and assesses the gaps that could be addressed for the benefit of diaspora entrepreneurship.

Integration, Transnational Mobility and Human, Social and Economic Capital Transfers (ITHACA)

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

The ITHACA project is implemented by the European University Institute (EUI) in cooperation with ICMPD, Real Instituto Elcano (RIE), London Metropolitan University (LMU). The project aims to contribute to the rising research and policy interest on migrant transnationalism and its effects on countries of origin and destination as well as on migrants themselves (and their families). The project concentrates on transnational mobility for economic purposes, i.e.

EU Immigration Portal

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The EU Immigration Portal serves as a first point of entry to reliable, practical and up-to-date information on immigration issues. It provides useful basic information written in user-friendly language and gives rapid and direct access to relevant external websites for further information. In concrete terms, the portal helps potential migrants to:

- Better understand the EU admission rules and procedures;

- Identify job and study opportunities;

- Find information on the rights of non-EU citizens who are in the EU;

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