Intercultural Schools

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The aim of cross-curriculum education is to set up and run primary and secondary classes that provide education to young people with a specific educational, social or cultural identity.

In cross-cultural schools, the standard curriculum is adapted to meet the specific educational, social or cultural needs of the students attending them. They are also aimed at non-native children with long-term residence in Greece.

Basic education and healthcare

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

On education, the government accords basic education in the same manner that Thai children are accorded. And this considering that there are about 60 thousand new born migrant labor in Thailand per year. The children of migrant labor also have access to specifically designed schools for them in their language. In terms of health, Thailand has the universal health coverage system which could be presented as an opportunity to improve the performance of health system services to ensure nondiscriminatory treatment.

College Assistant Migrant Program

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

College assistant migrant program helps students who are migratory seasonal farm workers enroll in their first year of undergraduate university studies. Those projects include services like visits to employers and graduate programs, vocation exploration and internships. And then to supplement primary education for refugee kids. The US Department for Health and Human Services provides grants to help refugee children to improve their academic performance and adjust and integrate.

Overseas Pakistanis Foundation

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

Pakistan has established various schools in the Gulf countries and in some other countries where they can provide education to the kids of the migrants to have better access to education.

Under the Emigration Rules made under Emigration Ordinance 1979, Articles of Association, and Memorandum of Overseas Pakistanis Foundation, OPF Education Division is vested with the following responsibilities

Greek Action Plan on Asylum And Migration

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The Greek Government is establishing an effective, humane oriented response to the current migration challenges including the need to combat irregular migration and to address the situation of vulnerable migrants, in full respect of human rights and the EU acquis on migration and asylum. The Revised Action Plan on Asylum and Migration Management is the strategic implementation of the Government’s determination to reform the asylum and immigration processes.

New Immigration Code (Greece)

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

According to the new Immigration Code, third-country nationals legally residing in Greece are entitled to free movement and establishment all over the country. They enjoy the same rights as nationals concerning social security and social protection. Migrant minors are subject to obligatory school attendance as nationals and they enjoy free access to all activities within the educational communities at all levels of education.

Philippine Schools Overseas

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

Philippine schools overseas (PSOs) are duly-registered educational institutions operating outside the Philippines and implementing the basic education curriculum of the Department of Education (DepEd). PSOs are required to comply with the requirements and regulations of the government of the Philippines and of the host countries. A valid permit to operate from the host country is required before applying for accreditation from the Philippine DepEd.

Youth Exchange Program (Lithuania and Canada)

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The purpose of the Agreement is to create the opportunities for youth to deepen their professional and language skills, study and work during holidays in another contracting state, and get to know its people and culture.

The Youth Exchange Programme is open to:

(1) citizens of the Republic of Lithuania and Canada, including graduates from a university, higher education institution or research institution, who wish to obtain further training in the host country under a pre-arranged contract of employment in support of their career development;

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