Capacity building of local governments in Santiago (Chile) and Mexico City to strengthen the socioeconomic integration of migrants and refugees through access to decent work, sustainable livelihoods, and social dialogue

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

This joint project seeks to improve migrant workers and refugees’ access to decent work and sustainable livelihoods by ensuring their employability, and access to employment opportunities and social protection programs implemented in Mexico City and Santiago. To that end, the project will design and support interventions that strengthen and articulate city services in both cities to provide an adequate response to populations on the move who are facing increased vulnerability. It will seek to create public-private synergies by engaging social actors and strengthening social dialogue.

STARTwien Das Jugend Youth College

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

The STARTwien Das Jugend Youth College operates in two locations in Vienna by nine partner networks offers around 200 places to young asylum seekers within the age group of 15- 21. It is a fast-track skills training programme that is delivered within a span of nine months, around 20 hours per week of education and mentoring focusing on German and vocational subjects. The prospective candidates are selected and enrolled after their evaluation of language skills and basic competencies in mathematics, English and IT.

Direct Cash Assistance with the City of Los Angeles

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Los Angeles, US established a direct cash assistance programme for residents who fall below the poverty line, including undocumented immigrants and informal sector workers. Eligible families received no fee prepaid debit cards of $700-$1,500 based on their income and household size. The Mayor’s office and the non-profit Mayor’s Fund for Los Angeles raised $25M from the private sector, philanthropies, and individuals for the programme to distribute directly to residents to meet their basic needs.

Reception and Integration System (SAI)

In Italy, the System for the Protection of Refugees and Unaccompanied Minors (SIPROMI) is a publicly funded network of local authorities and NGOs, which accommodates unaccompanied children and provides them access to the Italian social protection system, including legal support, legal guardianship, access to health, including psychological counselling, access to Italian language classes and to mainstream education programmes. In some contexts, opportunities for vocational training and job opportunities through partnerships with social cooperatives and the private sector.

Mr. Camille Saadé

Plan to Guarantee Health Care for all New Yorkers

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

New York City, US launched a municipal program in 2019 to expand universal health care so that regardless of insurance, ability to pay, or immigration status all residents can seek services without fear of discrimination. Having established this program prior to COVID-19 was critical to the city’s ability to respond rapidly and inclusively when the pandemic hit

Coronavirus: municipalities of the Province of Buenos Aires hiring migrant physicians

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

Municipalities across the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina hired migrants from Venezuela with professional medical degrees that had not yet been revalidated by the national government. Some 4,500 doctors, nurses, and other health professionals were hired.

Milan: Inclusive City COVID-19 Response & Recovery

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

The City of Milan adopted a two-pronged approach to tackle the needs of their residents resulting from the health, economic, and social impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. They worked to ensure equal access to services for all, including migrants and refugees, while also providing complementary services to address the needs of particular communities.

The city of Milan partnered with a non-profit agency, EMERGENCY to provide COVID-19 health monitoring in shelters for homeless people and unaccompanied migrant youth. 

Policy Playbook: How to Invest in Long-term Migrant Inclusion & Equity at the Local Level

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

As individuals and organizations in localities across the globe mobilize to support those displaced by war, conflict, and climate disasters, meeting immediate needs of migrants and refugees is critical. At the same time, building the infrastructure needed to support and engage migrants and broader communities in the long term is essential to ensure strong life outcomes beyond the initial welcoming period.

Global Cities Fund for Migrants and Refugees (GCF)

Submitted by Costanza Bindi on

The Global Cities Fund for Migrants and Refugees (GCF) responds to the unmet needs of cities as they support migrants, refugees, and internally displaced people in the face of pressing challenges, from global pandemics to the climate crisis. By directly funding cities to implement inclusive programs of their own design, the GCF:

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