Local Integration Centre for Migrants (CILM) in Barranquilla

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In accordance with the local development plan, in 2020, the city government of Barranquilla (Colombia) created the Local Integration Centre for Migrants (CILM, for its Spanish acronym), which provides orientation, referrals, and support to Venezuelan refugees and migrants, as well as Colombian returnees from Venezuela, to grant them access to procedures and services. 

The main objectives are three: 

URBACT Networks

An URBACT Network is a safe space for a group of cities facing similar challenges to share experiences and to develop long-term solutions. Cities develop their activities with local stakeholders – change makers from the public and private sectors, academia, NGOs and civil society – as part of their URBACT Local Group. 

There are three types of Networks, which cities and other bodies – metropolitan areas, specialised agencies, districts and boroughs – can apply to join:  

Costanza Bindi

UCLG Brings the Call to Local Action for Migrants and Refugees at the Core of the 2030 Agenda and the UN Pact for the Future

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United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG), commits to bring the protection and inclusion of refugees and migrants at the heart of all global development agendas. At the SDG Summit, UCLG recognized the Call to Local Action for Migrants and Refugees as one of the UCLG transformative coalitions localizing the 2030 Agenda and serving as a blueprint to rescue the SDGs as called by the UN Secretary-General. Furthermore, under UCLG proposal, the UN included the Call to Local Action as part of one of the 12 High-Impact Initiatives accelerating progress towards the 2030 Agenda.

Tyre and Zürich: Improving Local Services for Migrants, Refugees, and the Local Population through City-to-City Cooperation

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The City of Tyre commits to partner with the City of Zürich to improve services for migrants, refugees and locals in Tyre.
This partnership aims to increase municipal staffing and expertise, conduct technical knowledge and best practices exchanges, while jointly implementing inclusive projects for Tyre’s inhabitants, including Syrian and Palestinian refugees.

Enhancing the Cooperation of all State levels – Municipal, Cantonal, National – in National Refugee Policy Making to Strengthen the Tripartite Asylum System in Switzerland

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Initiated by the city of Zürich, in collaboration with the Swiss Government, and supported by Swiss cities, the Swiss Association of Cities, the Swiss Association of Municipalities, and cantonal representations, this pledge commits to enhance the cooperation of all state levels in Swiss refugee policy.

European Citizen Initiative in Rennes: “Ensuring Dignified Reception for Refugees and Migrants in Europe"

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Rennes commits to initiate a consultative process to contribute to a pan-European citizen proposal to the European Commission, with the aim to ensure dignified reception for refugees and migrants in Europe.
Rennes is a European city, and its citizens mobilize every day to bring the European project to life and to make it accessible for all its residents, especially those that are at risk of being left behind.

Durable Qaddura – Renovating Waste Management and a Public Park in the Qaddura Refugee Camp, Ramallah

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The Municipality of Ramallah commits to upgrading Qaddura Refugee Camp’s solid waste management system, rehabilitating its public park, and launching an awareness campaign about environmental stewardship for families living in the camp.

Municipal Migration Governance Plan for Migrants and Refugees in Quilmes

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The Municipality of Quilmes commits to implementing its Second Municipal Migration Governance Plan (2023 – 2027).

Quilmes is the first municipality in Argentina to be declared "plurinational and intercultural" due to its significant migrant and refugee population, constituting 8% of the total inhabitants, with around 54,000 people of foreign origin.

In 2019, the first Municipal Migration Governance Plan was launched offering an overarching strategy for policy planning. The municipality is now implementing the second iteration of the Municipal Plan.

Nyamagabe District: Building Communities’ Resilience to Climate Variability

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Nyamagabe District commits to build community resilience and adaptive capacity for people living in Nyamagabe and the nearby Kigeme refugee camp whose lives and livelihoods are severely impacted by floods, landslides, and droughts.

In collaboration with UNHCR Rwanda, Nyamagabe is terracing hillsides prone to landslides into viable agricultural areas, converting waste into renewable energy, and providing basic infrastructure and utilities for additional residential plots.

Nilüfer Municipality’s “House of the Exchange of Populations” Museum: Promoting Cultural Diversity and Co-existence by Preserving Social Memory

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The Municipality of Nilüfer commits to promote cultural diversity and co-existence through the "House of the Exchange of Populations" museum. Founded by the municipality and local associations, this museum commemorates the displacement of 1.5 million people following the Treaty of Lausanne in 1923 and preserves the history and folk culture of the region's communities.

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