The establishment of a Directorate of Diaspora, Burundi

In 2009, the Government of Burundi created a Directorate for the Diaspora at the Ministry of External Relations and International Cooperation. Several activities by this department eventually led to the launch of the National Policy for the Diaspora on 3 June 2016. This included a recommendation to develop a strategic implementation plan.

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Conduct of Employment Agencies and Employment Business Regulations

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The UK made an industry Code of Conduct a statutory instrument making compliance with the Code a legal requirement. The ‘Conduct of Employment Agencies and Employment Business Regulations’, 2003 and 2007 set out the expected business standards of PRAs in relation to the provision of ancillary services (i.e.

Agreement between the Philippines an Saudi Arabia on Domestic Worker Recruitment

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The MOU signed by the two parties in 2013 aims to enhance cooperation on domestic worker recruitment in a way which realizes the interests of both countries and securies the rights of both workers and employers.

Under this MOU th charging or deducting from salary any cost attendant to recruitment and deployment from workers’ salaries is prohibited.

Unified contract for migrant garment workers

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A unified, standardized contract for all migrant workers in Jordan’s garment sector was developed in 2015 and agreed upon by two apparel employer associations and Jordan’s garment union. The contract is helping to end the practice of contract substitution. Also, the contract gives migrant workers a clearer understanding of their working conditions and offers a certain amount of salary irrespective of nationality.

Innovative and tailored banking

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The Indian ICICI Bank offers hybrid solutions with remittance kiosks and ATMs in migrant areas and dormitories. Kiosks in Singapore and Bahrain can be used to transfer funds to India on the same day. ICICI sees mobile banking as a powerful medium for further financial inclusion.

United Kingdom - Employment Agencies Act and Conduct of Employment Agencies and Employment Businesses Regulations

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The Employment Agencies Act, 1973, as well as the Conduct of Employment Agencies and Employment Businesses Regulations, 1976 and 2003, are the main statutory instruments regulating employment agencies in the United Kingdom.

Monitoring the application of the Vietnam Association of Manpower Supply (VAMAS) Code of Conduct (COC-VN)

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The Vietnam Association of Manpower Supply (VAMAS) Code of Conduct (COC-VN) was adopted in 2010, and 108 recruitment agencies signed up to commit to its principles and guidelines relating to various aspects of the recruitment process (fees, contracts, pre-departure training, dispute settlement, etc.).

Labour Institutions Act, Kenya

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Part VII of Kenya’s Labour Institutions Act of 2007 has provisions to regulate the activities of private employment agencies that engage in internal and cross-border recruitment. These include registration requirements, obligations on agency directors, competency requirements for employment officers, recruitment-related offences and appeals procedures.

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