Study on attitudes to migrants, communication and local leadership

Submitted by Ms. Charlotte … on

AMICALL was a transnational action project, coordinated by COMPAS in 2011-2012, exploring the role of Local and Regional Authorities (LRAs) in communicating with their citizens about the difficult questions raised by migration. Led by a partnership of six European research institutions, with the Council of Europe as an associate partner, the project provided a platform for the sharing of good practice and the development of new strategies for the communication of positive attitudes towards migrants and migrant integration at the local and regional level.

More in Common

Submitted by Ms. Charlotte … on

More in Common is an international initiative set up in 2017 to build communities and societies that are stronger, more united and more resilient to the increasing threats of polarisation and social division. 

Partnership between ICMPD and the Observatory of Public Attitudes to Migration

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

In the framework of the programme EUROMED Migration IV, ICMPD is developing together with the Observatory on Public Attitudes on Migration (OPAM – EUI) a study in three chapters entitled “Impact of Public Attitudes to migration on the political environment in the Euro-Mediterranean region”.

National Strategy for Labour Reintegration for Returned Guatemalan Migrants

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

In May 2017, the Government of Guatemala established the National Strategy for Labor Reintegration for Returned Guatemalan Migrants (Estrategia Nacional para la Reinsercion de los Migrantes Guatemaltecos Retornados) to collect returnees' sociodemographic and skill profiles, and to establis institutions and processes for facilitating skill certification. 

Central Agency for Public Mobilisation and Statistics (CAPMAS) Migration Data Analysis Unit

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

To improve on information gathering and analysis, a research unit was established in 2017 to collect and analyse migration-related data in the Central Agency for Public Mobilisation and Statistics (CAPMAS) in Egypt. The Migration Data Analysis Unit aims to fill in existing information gaps by conducting periodic assessments and producing key statistics on migration issues to support the development of evidence-based policy and enhance migration management in Egypt.

M4D Net

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

The M4D Net is the go-to hub on migration and development (M&D) which brings together over 4,800 migration practitioners and policy makers from around the world to get informed, discuss and share on the issue of migration and development and is accessible through a dedicated website:

Morocco's Migration Policies and the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

In Morocco, national consultations were held in September 2017 with civil society and diaspora representivatives, scholars and researchers, represensatives of the private sector and public institutions. These national consultations have enabled Morocco to come with a consolidated contribution to the Global Compact, the "Recommendations of the Kingdom of Morocco on the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration."

Mauritius' Climate Change and Human Mobility Challenges

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

The Republic of Mauritius (ROM) is highly vulnerable to adverse impacts of climate change and climate variability. According to the World Risk Report 2016, Mauritius is ranked 13th among countries with highest disaster risk and ranked 7th as most exposed to natural hazards (UNU& EHS, 20 16). Mauritius has developed a Climate Change Action Plan for addressing these threats. One important national consequence of exposure to disaster and environmental degradation is the impact on the migration of people.

Challenges, Issues and Policies: Migration, Environment and Climate Change in Madagascar

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

This country assessment discusses the environment-migration nexus in Madagascar. It analyzes the political, legal and operational frameworks of migration, environment, and climate change, mapping national vulnerability and providing in-depth case studies of two field sites. The final section of the report outlines a series of recommendations for future action based upon the evidence and results collected.

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