Global Migration Media Academy

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IOM launched the ëGlobal Migration Media Academyí, a learning hub that offers classroom and online courses in multiple languages to anyone interested in covering migration. The Academy forms a community of experts committed to providing fact-based, balanced and diverse; and to promoting new voices in the field of migration by eliminating barriers to professional development and learning.

#TuCausaEsMiCausaí campaign

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IOM and UNHCR are coordinating In Peru the ë#TuCausaEsMiCausaí campaign. The campaign spans civil society and the private sector, and is designed to increase the solidarity of the Peruvian society towards Venezuelan immigrants, through social media, community workshops, and street theatre performance.

Vivre ensemble sans discrimination ('Living Together without Discrimination')

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The project ëLiving together without discriminationí ? implemented by the National Human Rights Council and the Moroccan Government ? intends to strengthen instruments and public policies to fight and prevent racism, discrimination and xenophobia towards the migrant population.

iDiaspora Photo Contest

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The International iDiaspora Photo exhibition, organised by IOM and IBER-RUTAS, has shed light on the different ways in which diasporas cope and adapt when they leave their countries of origin to seek new opportunities and live transnational lives. The selected photos were able to portray how diasporas navigate their multiple identities and embrace their new country while remember where they come from.

Artist Training Project

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The project ARTIST TRAINING is a qualification program offered by the UdK Berlin Career College aimed at the qualification, consulting, and networking of artists in exile. Since 2016, 47 modules have provided information and contacts for about 700 participants from the following fields: music, fine arts, performing arts, film and in the beginning also culture and media. Otherwise there are networking events and consulting sessions.

Let's Talk Migration

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@letstalkmigration is an online Instagram community with around 1,800 young members and growing sharing tools and tips on how to change the often negative narratives on migration in their communities.

The campaign ëEverybody knows something that you donít knowí, launched by the Migration Youth and Children Platform on TikTok, allows for the engagement of young people to discuss complex ideas and phenomena (such as migration), and may contribute to promoting nuanced narratives.

Other Talk on Migration

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The ëOther Talkí is a three-year program ? implemented by Flemish Belgian NGOs 11.11.11 and Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen ? that aims at bringing nuance to the polarised migration debate in Flanders and prevent further polarisation. ëOther Talkí is engaged in discussions in three areas: education, civil society and media. In the framework of the ëOther Talkí programme, the University of Leuven conducted a study ñ only available in Dutch ? on frames and counter-frames that are used or could be used when covering migration issues.

Dancing to Connect

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Battery Dance runs programs to integrate newly arrived refugees, migrants ñ including unaccompanied children ? with host communities through an innovative dance project in public schools. The program focuses on bridging divides, uniting communities, empowering youth, combatting racism and xenophobia, and ending all discrimination.

E-Mindful Project

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Aware of the divisive potential of an increasing polarized public discourse on migration, the project will pool lessons from selected awareness-raising campaigns on migration. Such analysis will offer evidence-based grounds to develop innovative prototypes of awareness-raising/edutainment formats in collaboration with communication experts at the national level, including University faculties of semiotics, communication and marketing, schools of journalism/TV/radio and art.

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