Official Name
Arab Republic of Egypt
ISO2 Code
ISO3 Code
27 00 N
30 00 E
POINT (30 27)
Attended Meeting
Financial Contribution

No Financial Contribution

RT Participation

No Participation

Attended Prep Meetings
Attended Summit
Financial Contribution

No Financial Contribution

RT Participation
  • Team Member in RT 1.1. "Protecting the Rights of Migrants - A Shared Responsibility"
  • Team Member in RT 1.2. "Empowering Migrants and Diaspora to Contribute to Development" 
  • Team Member in RT 2.2. "Managing Migration and Minimizing the Negative Impacts of Irregular Migration" 
Attended Prep Meetings
Attended Summit
Financial Contribution

No Financial Contribution

RT Participation
  • Team Member in RT 1.2. "Engaging diasporas and migrants in development policies and programs - their roles? their constraints?" 
  • Team Member in RT 1.3. "Addressing the root causes of migration through development, especially in light of the current global economic crisis" 
  • Team Member in RT 2.1. "Inclusion, protection, and acceptance of migrants in society - linking human rights and migrant empowerment for development" 
Attended Prep Meetings
Attended Summit
Financial Contribution

No Financial Contribution

RT Participation

No Participation

Attended Prep Meetings
Attended Summit
Financial Contribution

No Financial Contribution

RT Participation

No Participation

Attended Prep Meetings
Attended Summit
Financial Contribution

No Financial Contribution

RT Participation

No Participation

Attended Prep Meetings
Attended Summit
Financial Contribution

No Financial Contribution

RT Participation
  • Team Member in RT 2.2 "Facilitating positive development impacts of diaspora engagement in skills transfer, investments and trade between countries of residence and origin" 
Attended Prep Meetings
Attended Summit
Financial Contribution

No Financial Contribution

RT Participation
  • Team Member in RT 1.2. "Reducing the human and financial costs of international migration, particularly labor migration: Cooperative approaches to fair recruitment practices and lower remittances fees" 
  • Team Member in RT 3.1. "Enhancing human development and human security for forced migrants, who are compelled to cross international borders, through international cooperation on labour market access, educational opportunity, famility reunification, and other avenues of mobility" 
Attended Prep Meetings
Attended Summit
Thematic Meetings
- Attended Thematic Meeting on "Recognizing the contributions of women migrants to economic and social development in countries of origin and destination and addressing their specific needs, particularly concerning respect for their human rights" on 8 September 2015 in Geneva, Switzerland.
Financial Contribution

No Financial Contribution

RT Participation
  • Team Member in RT 2.1 "Migration, diversity and harmonious societies" 
Attended Prep Meetings
Attended Summit
Thematic Meetings
- Attended the Thematic Workshop on "Migration, Connectivity and Business" on 29 March 2016 in Bangkok, Thailand.
Financial Contribution

No Financial Contribution

RT Participation
  • Co-Chair in RT 2.1. "Moving beyond emergencies - Creating development solutions to the mutual benefit of host and origin communities and displaced persons" 
Attended Summit
Financial Contribution

No Financial Contribution

RT Participation

Roundtable Co-Chair in RT 2.2 "Regional mobility and policy coherence to support development"

Government Team Member in RT 2.1 "South-South mobility: trends, patterns and transferable learning", RT 3.1 "Aligning governance with contemporary drivers of migration" and RT 3.2 "Beyond Remittances: leveraging the development impact and promoting the transnational engagement of diaspora and migrants"

Attended Summit
Thematic Meetings
Participated in the Thematic Workshop on "Migration for Development: a roadmap to achieving the SDGs"

African Postal Financial Service Initiative

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

The African Postal Financial Services initiative is a joint regional programme launched by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the European Commission in collaboration with the World Bank, the Universal Postal Union (UPU) – a specialized United Nations agency for the postal sector, the World Savings Banks Institute/European Savings Banks Group (WSBI/ESBG) and the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF).

Promoting health and wellbeing amongst migrants transiting through Morocco, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia and Yemen

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

International Organization for Migration (IOM)'s project aims to support the relevant authorities and other stakeholders in migration management with a focus on promoting the health and wellbeing amongst migrants transiting through Morocco, Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen and Libya. All countries and the activities are ODA eligible.

M- PESA or Mobile Money

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

Established on 6th March 2007 by Vodafone's Kenyan associate, Safaricom, M-Pesa (M for mobile, pesa is Swahili for money) is Africa's leading mobile money service, which operates in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Mozambique and Tanzania.

Partnership between Egypt and Italy for Education and Training for Egyptian Youth in Fayoum Governorate

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The Advanced Technical School for Hotel Management and Tourism Services decided in 2019 to partner with the Italian Tourism School Elena Cornaro of Jesolo to provide its students high quality education and training that are in line with both national and international labour market requirements.

Strengthening African and Middle Eastern Diaspora Policy through South-South Exchange (AMEDIP)

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

'Strengthening African and Middle Eastern Diaspora Policy through South-South Exchange' (AMEDIP) is a project of the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD), developed and implemented within the framework of the Dialogue on Mediterranean Transit Migration (MTM). More specifically, AMEDIP builds directly upon the previous MTM initiative 'Linking Emigrant Communities for More Development - Inventory of Institutional Capacities and Practices', implemented by ICMPD and IOM in the period 2009 - 2010.


The MTM Interactive Map on Migration (i-Map) is an online interactive platform in support of the Mediterranean Migration Dialogue.

The country profiles provide factual, non-analytical information and a series of graphs illustrating the main datasets relevant to Migration and Development in the country.

The profiles give access to a plethora of information sources through hyperlinks and they cover the following thematic areas:


CARIM – Migration Profile

  • The Demographic-Economic Framework of Migration
  • The Legal Framework of Migration
  • The Socio-Political Framework of Migration

Report written by Anna di Bartolomeo, Tamirace Fakhoury and Delphine Perrin on the basis of CARIM database and publications

Agreement between Arab States for E-Money Transfers using UPU's International Financial System (IFS)

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Qatar, Syria, Tunisia, UAE and Yemen signed an agreement to start electronic money transfers using technology that has been developed by the Universal Postal Union (UPU).

According to the Universal Postal Union (UPU), the agreement will now allow the eight countries to exchange money orders on a multilateral basis. This is particularly valuable in countries such as the United Arab Emirates, where more than 80% of the population are foreigners, and millions of dollars are sent to home countries through remittances. 


Bilateral Labour Agreements

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The Greek Government has bilateral labor agreements with Egypt, Bulgaria and Albania, mostly for seasonal workers, anbd believes that by establishing legal channels for migration, the agreements enhance inter-governmental cooperation at economic, social and cultural levels. 

National Coordinating Committee to Combat and Prevent Trafficking in Persons

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The Egyptian government established in July 15, 2007 a national coordinating committee for combating and preventing trafficking in persons to serve as a national coordination mechanism and to be responsible, among its tasks, for drafting a national action plan to combat trafficking in persons. It reflects the political will of the Egyptian Government to deal in an integrated manner with this problem

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