Direct Cash Assistance with the City of Los Angeles

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

Los Angeles, US established a direct cash assistance programme for residents who fall below the poverty line, including undocumented immigrants and informal sector workers. Eligible families received no fee prepaid debit cards of $700-$1,500 based on their income and household size. The Mayor’s office and the non-profit Mayor’s Fund for Los Angeles raised $25M from the private sector, philanthropies, and individuals for the programme to distribute directly to residents to meet their basic needs.

Reception and Integration System (SAI)

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

In Italy, the System for the Protection of Refugees and Unaccompanied Minors (SIPROMI) is a publicly funded network of local authorities and NGOs, which accommodates unaccompanied children and provides them access to the Italian social protection system, including legal support, legal guardianship, access to health, including psychological counselling, access to Italian language classes and to mainstream education programmes. In some contexts, opportunities for vocational training and job opportunities through partnerships with social cooperatives and the private sector.

Policy Playbook: How to Invest in Long-term Migrant Inclusion & Equity at the Local Level

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

As individuals and organizations in localities across the globe mobilize to support those displaced by war, conflict, and climate disasters, meeting immediate needs of migrants and refugees is critical. At the same time, building the infrastructure needed to support and engage migrants and broader communities in the long term is essential to ensure strong life outcomes beyond the initial welcoming period.

Migration Multi-Partner Trust Fund 

Submitted by Costanza Bindi on

Established by the UN Network on Migration in May 2019, the Fund is governed by a diverse and inclusive Steering Committee and administered by the UN Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office.

Committed to safe, orderly, and regular migration, the Migration Multi-Partner Trust Fund supports the adoption and implementation of the Global Compact for Migration to encourage the uptake of migration approaches that benefit communities of origin, transit, and destination, as well as migrants. 

Study on best practices in irregular migration awareness-raising campaigns

Submitted by Ms. Anqi ZHANG on

DG HOME commissioned a study to Ecorys to assess the validity of communication campaigns as an effective tool for migration management. The study presents best practices from 20 existing campaigns, and seeks to highlight ways to improve the quality and effectiveness of future campaigns. The final report presents the cumulative results of the two phases of this study. First, the report presents key findings on research and design, delivery and working methods, and monitoring and evaluation methods. Second, the key findings are followed by recommendations.

Work Permit to undocumented migrants

Submitted by Ms. Anqi ZHANG on

Thailand said it would allow undocumented migrant workers from Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar to work in the country legally for about two years to curb the spread of COVID-19.

Migrants have to sign up online and be registered by an employer before mid-September in order to receive a work permit until February 2023, according to a resolution by the cabinet.

Temporary Protection Status in Colombia

Submitted by Ms. Anqi ZHANG on

The Temporary Protection Status (TPS) is expected to benefit over 1.8 million Venezuelans currently living in Colombia and others entering via official checkpoints over the course of two years. The creation of the TPS is an unprecedented event in the country's history and the region because it allows eligible Venezuelans to regularize their stay and reside in Colombia for ten years, which includes accessing a full range of rights such as identification documents, healthcare, education, formal employment, and financial inclusion, among others.

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