Humanitarian visas for Haitians

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

The Brazil Visa Application Centre (BVAC) is a centre in Port-au-Prince exclusively dedicated to Haitian citizens applying for special humanitarian permanent visas (VIPER), which aims to ensure a safe, dignified and legal migration channel to Brazil.

The BVAC centre was created in 2015 as a mean to increase the processing of humanitarian permanent visas in response to the concern of the growing number of people travelling to Brazil irregularly.

Egypt-German cooperation agreement on immigration and refugees

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

With the aim of intensifying cooperation on migration issues, Germany and Egypt signed an Agreement on Bilateral Dialogue on Migration on 27 August 2017. Through the agreement, the two countries seek to work together to tackle the reasons why people migrate to Europe and stres the importance of investing in professional training for young people.

The Agreement includes both closer economic cooperation, as well as support for the Egyptian education sector and additional scholarships for young Egyptians to study in Germany.

Temporary Residency Cards for employees and entrepreneurs

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

France issues Temprary Residence permits to non-EU foreign nationals who benefit from an employment contract of more than 3 months concluded following, in particular, the difficulties encountered by an employer in recruiting on French soil of employees already admitted to the labor market.

The temporary residence card (STC) "Temporary worker" is issued for any employment contract of between 3 months and 12 months.

Flexi Visa System

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

The Flexi Permit is a renewable two year permit which allows the eligible person to work and live in the Kingdom of Bahrain without an employer (Sponsor) where they can work in any job with any number of employers on full or part-time basis.

Flexi Visa holders will be issued a renewable work permit with two years validity, health insurance coverage, and a return ticket at the end of the contract period or when the worker decides to return to his or her home country.  It also allows the migrant worker to legally work in Bahrain without an employer sponsor.

Mexico-Canada High Level Dialogue on Human Mobility

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

The Mexico-Canada High Level Dialogue on Human Mobility (DANMov) is the main dialogue mechanism between authorities of Mexico and Canada on migration issues. It takes place once a year, initiated first in 2016. Its objective is to promote the exchange of information on migration trends and good practices, and to facilitate the mobility of people, as well as strengthen regional and global cooperation towards orderly, safe and regular migratory flows. This mechanism has contributed to broaden the scope bilateral of cooperation on migration issues and strengthen mutual trust. 

Fair Recruitment Programme in the Mexico-Guatemala Border (REFRAME)

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

REFRAME will contribute to taking forward the ILO’s Fair Recruitment Initiative, which was launched in 2014 and is a global multi-stakeholder’s Fair Recruitment Initiative to prevent human trafficking and forced labour; protect the rights of workers, including migrant workers, from abusive and fraudulent recruitment and placement processes; and to reduce the cost of labour migration and enhance development outcomes for migrant workers and their families, as well as for countries of origin and destination.

Combating Smuggling of migrants and human trafficking in Egypt

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

In the area of combating illegal migration, the smuggling of migrants and human trafficking, the Egyptian Government ihas implemented laws to combat trafficking and Smuggling, including Law no 64 of 2010 on Combating Trafficking in Persons and law no 82 of 2016 on Combating Illegal Migration. Egypt has also implemented programs to raise awareness regarding these crimes while focusing on the vulnerable situations confronting women and children, and the protection of victims.

Morocco's Migration Policies and the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

In Morocco, national consultations were held in September 2017 with civil society and diaspora representivatives, scholars and researchers, represensatives of the private sector and public institutions. These national consultations have enabled Morocco to come with a consolidated contribution to the Global Compact, the "Recommendations of the Kingdom of Morocco on the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration."

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