The Emigrant Support Programme

Submitted by Costanza Bindi on

The Emigrant Support Programme is a tangible expression of the Irish Government's support of, commitment to, and interest in the global Irish community. It aims to strengthen the international Irish community and its bond with Ireland. Through this programme the Government wants to fund projects that will have a clear and identifiable impact on supporting and building global Irish communities.

The Government, through the Emigrant Support Programme, is committed to prioritising the following:

International Young Farmers’ Exchange Program (IYFEP) between Uganda and Germany

Submitted by Costanza Bindi on

The Young Farmers’ Federation of Uganda (UNYFA) in partnership with the Schorlemer Foundation of the German Farmers’ Association (DBV) have set up the International Young Farmers Exchange Program. 

Together they organize a three-month stay on a host farm in Germany or Uganda in two exchange rounds (April - June, August to October) for up to 70 young farmers in order to carry out a professional and cultural exchange. This practical experience is accompanied by a three-part seminar series in cooperation with the Andreas Hermes Academy (AHA)

Migration Multi-Partner Trust Fund 

Submitted by Costanza Bindi on

Established by the UN Network on Migration in May 2019, the Fund is governed by a diverse and inclusive Steering Committee and administered by the UN Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office.

Committed to safe, orderly, and regular migration, the Migration Multi-Partner Trust Fund supports the adoption and implementation of the Global Compact for Migration to encourage the uptake of migration approaches that benefit communities of origin, transit, and destination, as well as migrants. 

The Language Services Collaborative Initiative of Salt Lake County: A Pathway to Ensure Equitable Access to Services for All Residents

Submitted by Ms. Anqi ZHANG on

Salt Lake County commits to enhance access to services for Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Residents through a ‘Language Services Collaborative Initiative’.
The Utah Department of Health has shown that the estimated population of LEP Residents within the county exceeds 200.000, of which 33% state that they speak English less than “very well.” This lack of English proficiency puts these residents at risk to be underserved by county services.

Strengthening Maipú’s Governance Capacity to Promote Social Inclusion of Migrants and Refugees

Submitted by Ms. Anqi ZHANG on

Maipú Municipality commits to strengthen its local capacity to govern migration and forced displacement in a way that promotes social inclusion and peaceful coexistence between migrant and refugee families and other members of the community.

The City of Dallas Community Ambassador Program: Facilitating Access to Information and Services for Linguistically Diverse Communities

Submitted by Ms. Anqi ZHANG on

The City of Dallas commits to implement the Community Ambassadors Programme. Rooted in Dallas’ Welcoming Strategic Plan, this programme aims to raise awareness of municipal services in linguistically diverse communities and to enhance communication between the city and its residents.

In collaboration with local non-profits, the City of Dallas has recruited immigrant residents as community ambassadors, engaging them directly in neighbourhoods that host high numbers of migrants and refugees.

Carmen de La Legua: Municipal Plan of Local Action to Build a Future with Migrants and Refugees 2023 - 2026

Submitted by Ms. Anqi ZHANG on

The municipal government of Carmen de la Legua commits to the implementation of a Municipal Plan of Local Action to build a future with Migrants and Refugees 2023-2026, which will allow:

Contribute to the elimination of all forms of discrimination and promote evidence-based public discourse.
Promote the mainstreaming of migration and forced displacement in municipal services, as well as in local, regional, and multilateral partnerships as a mechanism to increase cooperation between cities.

Specifically, this plan prioritizes, among other things:

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