The Migrant Support Fund

Submitted by Ms. Charlotte … on

The Migrant Support Fund is a federal fund administered to states according to the size of their repatriated migrant populations, which provides migrants one-time seed grants of up to USD 1,500 to start a new business.

Because the Mexican labor market is saturated and often unfamiliar to returning migrants, especially those who have been abroad for an extended period, these entrepreneurial and self-employment opportunities offer a key path to their economic reintegration.

Support programmes for returned migrants, El Salvador

Submitted by Ms. Charlotte … on

Programs of employment creation for migrants, and economic and psychosocial integration projects for returnees offer returned migrants in El Salvador access to local job-search databases, vocational training, skills accreditation, and seed grants up to USD 3,500 for entrepreneurial projects.

The National Network of Returned Entrepreneurs (RENACERES) offers counseling and seed capital to migrants who demonstrate potential to establish new businesses or projects.

Supporting rural youth with alternatives to migration

FAO supports rural youthwith alternatives to migration in a number of countries through fostering decent rural employment in sustainable agriculture and agribusiness along value chains.

Mr. Camille Saadé

Deepening financial inclusion and enhancing rural people's resilience

Submitted by Ms. Charlotte … on

Deepening financial inclusion and enhancing rural people’s resilience by providing low-cost, cross-border mobile money transfers across the Kenya-Uganda corridor, linked with savings, loans and other financial services, and by promoting entrepreneurship for migrant family investment.

Temporary Residency Cards for employees and entrepreneurs

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

France issues Temprary Residence permits to non-EU foreign nationals who benefit from an employment contract of more than 3 months concluded following, in particular, the difficulties encountered by an employer in recruiting on French soil of employees already admitted to the labor market.

The temporary residence card (STC) "Temporary worker" is issued for any employment contract of between 3 months and 12 months.

Somali AgriFood Fund

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

The Somali AgriFood Fund is a seed capital investment matching fund, which targets the succesful Somali diaspora in the United States, Canada, European Union and Australia, matching their interest to invest with small and medium enterprises in agribusiness in Somalia on fishing, agriculture, food processing, packaging, cold storage facilities, and livestock.

Babyloan Mali

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

Through the crowdfunding platform 'Babyloan Mali', established by IFAD, Malians living in Europe can invest in microentreprises or agro-business opportunities in the rural areas of Mali. Babyloan identifies good business plans for the development of microentreprises, and matches them with diaspora members and organizations in France keen to invest in their home country, through the intermediation of Malian microfinance institutions.

Handbook for Armenians Abroad

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

The Handbook for Armenians Abroad was published in 2010 by the Armenian Ministry of Diaspora with the support of the ILO-EU project 'Towards Sustainable Partnerships for the Effective Governance of Labour Migration in the Russian Federation, the Caucasus and Central Asia'.

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