Bosnia and Herzegovina's Strategy in the area of migrations and asylum and Action Plan for the period 2016-2020

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

With the objective of defining comprehensive, sustainable and European standards-based policies in the area of migrations and asylum, the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina is continually developing, implementing and monitoring the implementation of strategic documents in this area.

European Agenda on Migration

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

Through the  European Agenda on Migration, the EU aims to provide its Member States with tools to build up a coherent and comprehensive approach to reap the benefits and address the challenges deriving from migration, in the medium as well as long term.The European Commission's agenda on migration sets out a European response, combining internal and external policies, making best use of EU agencies and tools, and involving all actors.

Migration partnerships between Switzerland and partner countries

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

 At the bilateral level, the Swiss authorities have engaged in migration partnerships with African, Asian and western Balkan countries. Usually formalised by means of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), they identify common issues and problems with regard to readmission, return assistance, visa policy, prevention of human trafficking, migrants’ human rights and other aspects.

Agreement between the Philippines an Saudi Arabia on Domestic Worker Recruitment

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The MOU signed by the two parties in 2013 aims to enhance cooperation on domestic worker recruitment in a way which realizes the interests of both countries and securies the rights of both workers and employers.

Under this MOU th charging or deducting from salary any cost attendant to recruitment and deployment from workers’ salaries is prohibited.

E-recruitment through a central labour clearing house

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Launched in 1994, EURES is a European cooperation network of employment services, designed to facilitate the free movement of workers. The network has always worked hard to ensure that European citizens can benefit from the same opportunities, despite language barriers, cultural differences, bureaucratic challenges, diverse employment laws and a lack of recognition of educational certificates across Europe. It has a portal network of 1,000 EURES advisors who maintain daily contact with employees and employers across Europe.

Mediterranean City-to-City Migration Project

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The Mediterranean City-to-City Migration Project (MC2CM) implemented by the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) in partnership with United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) and UN Habitat, as well as UNHCR as an associate partner, aims to create a network of 10 European and Southern Mediterranean cities in order to facilitate exchange of experience among and to contribute to improved migration planning and governance in these cities.

MIEUX Action: West Africa II

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The overall objective of the action is to contribute to the development of a regional dialogue and consultation on migration, climate change and the environment. The action will achieve this by organising two regional consultations in West Africa as well as a series of national workshops in Benin, Togo and Guinea-Bissau to enhance the knowledge, capacities and cooperation, both at the national level and among West African countries, on the potential migration can play in establishing adaptation measures in countries adversely impacted by the effects of sudden and slow onset climate change.

Tunisian National strategy for migration

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

The Tunisian National Strategy for Migration includes all the developments of the migration profile of Tunisians and refers to the human rights values entrenched in the second republic's constitution and in bilateral and multilateral aggreements related to migration. The strategy paper gives special attention to Tunisian living abroad, in order to protect their rights and to actively involve them to the political and economic transitions of the country.

The national strategy for migration has been decreed with the following main themes: 

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