Public-private partnership to support migrant / Entrepreneurship and job creation for the diaspora with a focus on Small and Medium Enterprises

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

The Ministry of Health is working closely with foreigners in the following areas:
- Occupational medicine: Ambatovy QMM: staffing materials and medical equipment, services (medical and surgical consultation, screening), Community Health, health education (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, Waste Management)-
- Humanitarian mission :
Chinese medical mission with the MoU between the Chinese Government and the Government Malagasy: Intervention areas: Mahitsy, Vatomandry, Ambovombe, Sambava.

Supporting diaspora productive investment programmes in Mali

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

The general objective is to support local development projects and productive investments (collective and individual) of the Malian diaspora in Mali with i) a dedicated support mechanism for entrepreneurs in France and country of origin ii) activities with public institutions and private sector institutions to improve the investment climate in countries of origin

Supporting diaspora productive investment” programmes in Senegal and Cameroun

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

The program intends to foster linkages between migration issues and private sector development, with a specific focus on financial services. Until now, many activities to foster diaspora investment in CoO have focused on capacity building of relevant state institutions and non financial services for migrant entrepreneurs. A major component of this programme is dedicated support the development of financial services that take into account the needs and specificities of diaspora members (remittances transfer, access to loans, savings products).

Citizen Service (Regulation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs No.4/2008)

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

Based on the Presidential Instruction No. 6/2006 on Reforming the System of Placement and Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued Regulation No. 4/2008 on the establishment of a “Citizen Service” at Indonesian diplomatic representative offices abroad.
The “Citizen Service” for Indonesian citizens is part of an integrated service system that aims to improve the protection of all Indonesians, including Indonesian labour migrants. The services provided for Indonesian citizens abroad have 2 main objectives:

Plan of the Alliance for the Prosperity of the Northern Triangle

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

The plan promotes the coordination and inter-linkage of actions over a 5 year horizon (2016-2020) and seeks to give people incentives to stay in their own countries by means of structural change that offers economic opportunities and transforms the citizen’s of the Northern Triangle of Central America quality of life, mainly in regions affected by the highest rates of poverty, migration and vulnerability.

Inter-Ministerial Working Group for International Migration Policy

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

The inter-ministerial group aims to improve a coherent German policy and to promote dialogues in migration and refugee policy as part of a European joint strategy. The working group has a two-pronged mission. It is expected to develop a more coherent and unified migration policy, as well as ensure close cooperation and collaboration between various ministries involved. It also serves as a best practice for European partner countries.

Media-Friendly Glossary on Migration

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

Since many organizations work on migration issues but use different definitions and terminologies, this project was carried out to provide a common and media-friendly uses of migration terms. It has also been expected to be a basis for real discussion between international organizations and to foster further dialogues. 

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