World Education Services

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

World Education Services (WES) is the largest non-profit credential evaluation service in North America. WES Global Talent Bridge works with individuals, community organizations, institutions and employers to help skilled immigrants overcome the barriers they face in becoming employed in their field. It provides credential evaluations for international students and immigrants planning to study or work in the U.S. and Canada.

Upwardly Global

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

Upwardly Global in the USA works to equip migrants to work in their fields of training. They provide guidance and assistance to navigating certification processes in 5 states and 11 occupations. This organization can be seen as an example to be expanded and replicated. 

Information and Communication Technology Council

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

Canada has industry associations that coordinate with the government, private sector, and civil society to inform immigration policies and capacity building programs. For example, The Information and Communication Technology Council (ICTC) of Canada coordinates with governments, associations, schools, employers, and immigrant and community organizations to ensure that employers meet their hiring needs. ICTC works to inform immigration policies governing the admission of tech and IT talent based on employer feedback.

USAID Project Harnessing Diaspora for Economic Development Of Bosnia And Herzegovina

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

A five-year intervention worth 5,2+ million US$ of the U.S. Government in Bosnia and Herzegovina.  This USAID’s project catalyzes diaspora’s contribution to socio-economic development in BiH by structuring, stimulating, and supporting diaspora investment in the home country.

The project has three main components:


Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

FUNZI  is a joint initiative by a start up and the government of Finland to carve a map of the places where refugees are arriving in Finland and to provide them all the information they need on the country. In 2015, they launched a mobile information and learning service for asylum seekers and refugees.  The information for the newcomers on the country is in several languages. 

Recruitment of Filipino Nurses for Germany

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

On February 4, 2016, the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA), an agency of the Philippine Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) which regulates activities related to Filipino migrant workers, passed Governing Board Resolution No. 4, series of 2016, which allows private recruitment agencies in the Philippines to participate in the recruitment, deployment and employment of Filipino nurses for Germany free of placement fee charges.

E-recruitment through a central labour clearing house

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Launched in 1994, EURES is a European cooperation network of employment services, designed to facilitate the free movement of workers. The network has always worked hard to ensure that European citizens can benefit from the same opportunities, despite language barriers, cultural differences, bureaucratic challenges, diverse employment laws and a lack of recognition of educational certificates across Europe. It has a portal network of 1,000 EURES advisors who maintain daily contact with employees and employers across Europe.

Crowdfunding portal to support human trafficking victims (

Submitted by system admin on is a crowdfunding portal to support voluntary return and sustainable integration of human trafficking victims launched in 2015 through a partnership between IOM and Microsoft. The site is backed by Microsoft Azure cloud-computing platform, while IOM provides the resources to help human trafficking victims. The platform meets IOM`s strict requirements for victim privacy and protection and is in place not only help victims, but also to raise awareness for human trafficking and enhance the global commitment to stopping it.

Media Professionals Training

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IOM helps in building the capacities of media professionals and students to implement good standards in their reporting of migration issues. One example of this is IOM's project 'Migrants in the Spotlight: Training and Capacity Building for Media', which included training seminars in 2011 for journalists and media students from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania and Slovakia to raise awareness about reporting on migration issues.

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