Cross-border Cooperation

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

The West Africa Network for the protection of children focuses on ensuring a continuum of services are delivered across the region within and eight-step procedure, ranging from the identification of a vulnerable child and provision of emergency care to their successful social re-integreation.

Handbook for Armenians Abroad

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

The Handbook for Armenians Abroad was published in 2010 by the Armenian Ministry of Diaspora with the support of the ILO-EU project 'Towards Sustainable Partnerships for the Effective Governance of Labour Migration in the Russian Federation, the Caucasus and Central Asia'.

Pre-decision, pre-departure and return migration guides for migrant health workers from India and the Philippines

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

Public Services International (PSI), in collaboration with ILO's European Union-funded “Decent Work Across Borders” (DWAB) project has produced seven pre-decision, pre-departure, and return migration guides for healthcare workers.

National Remittance Plan (Senegal)

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

The Support Fund for Investments of Senegalese Abroad (Fonds d’appui à l’investissement des Sénégalais de l’extérieur – FAISE) aims to promote productive investments in Senegal by citizens living overseas with the long-term objective of encouraging their voluntary return to the country.

Sharaka Project

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

Sharaka was a joint project between the government of Morocco and the EU and implemented by IOM and several other civil society organisations.

Bilateral Agreement on Circular Migration between Canada and Mauritius - Placement in Canada

Submitted by Mr. Ace Paolo … on

Mauritius has the opportunity to capitalise on migration as a tool for social development and economic growth. 

Mauritius became a member of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in 2006 with a view to getting the assistance of the organization for Labour Migration. Consequently, as from 2007, IOM has been assisting the Ministry of Labour, Industrial Relations, Employment and Training (MLIRET) in facilitating the placement of Mauritian jobseekers in Canada. 

National Policy on International Migration; Plan of Action in support of the rehabilitation and reintegration of forced returnees/involuntary returned migrants

Submitted by Ms. Kayle Giroud on

Migrants, forced or voluntary contribute the vibrancy, growth and quality of life a city can offer. Jamaica’s long-term development plan, Vision 2030 Jamaica– National Development Plan recognizes that in an environment characterized by high levels of crime and violence and inequitable dispensation of justice, citizens and migrants are alienated and less productive than they might be, and are more likely to engage in destructive behaviour. This fuels a vicious cycle that militates against achievement of positive social, economic and cultural outcomes.

Mauritius Diaspora Scheme

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

In 2015 Mauritius set up a diaspora scheme. It has been set up with the aim to attract members of the Mauritian Diaspora back to Mauritius to participate in the economic development of the country. It is open to any diaspora member who is willing to return and participate to the development of the country. It provides a package of incentives and benefits, such as income tax exemption, import allowances, a waiver on custom duties, exemption of payment for registration fees for residential property and a status.

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