BALIK Scientist Program (BSP)

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The Balik Scientist Program (BSP) was established in 1975 to encourage overseas Filipino scientists, professionals and technicians to return or reside in the Philippines, and share their expertise in order to accelerate the scientific, agro-industrial and economic development of the country.

Allowing university students to work

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The General Directorate of Migration Management provides rights for migrants. Turkey has granted the right to work to foreigner students on undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate programs. There is a promotion of courses, distance learning and other means of learning related to access to education services as well as other services for all king of foreigners. As you all know Turkey has been suffering of a mass influx from Syria and has built some camps and some centers for Syrians fleeing from their country under temporary protection regime. 

Skilled Migration Points Test

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The Skilled Migration Points Test aims to identify skilled migrants and also provides skills/qualification recognition. The Skillselect system is points based, with applicants receiving points for criteria ranging from Age to work experience. Applicants must score a minimum of 60 points for their visa to be granted. The following tables give a detailed breakdown of how points are awarded for Skillselect visas.


Federal Skilled Worker Program

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The main objective of this program is to attract skilled workers who can succeed in the Canadian economy. It was established to serve the Canadian labour market. The key is to recognize different certification processes for industrial, electrical and construction, equipment operation, natural resources, agricultural and utilities sectors.

Promoting Decent Work Across Borders: A Project for Migrant Health Professionals and Skilled Workers (2010 - 2014)

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

This pilot scheme includes specialized employment services and a system for skills testing and certification for main destination countries in Europe. The project objective is to improve governance over circular migration of professionals and highly skilled personnel in the health care sector. This project is funded by the European Commission.

Labour Immigration Reform

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

Sweden reformed its labour immigration rules in 2008. The reform is designed to create a demand-driven, effective and flexible system which will make it easier for people to come to Sweden and work, and for Swedish companies to recruit labour from outside the EU/EEA area . The Swedish system recognizes that we need workers of all skill levels and in many different branches and sectors. The reform is therefore designed to allow workers of all skill levels to migrate to Sweden under one general framework and with access to a wide range of rights.

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