Official Name
Kingdom of Spain
ISO2 Code
ISO3 Code
40 00 N
4 00 W
POINT (-4 40)
Attended Meeting
Financial Contribution

No Financial Contribution

RT Participation
  • Coordinator and Co-Chair in RT 1.2 "Temporary labour migration as a contribution to development: Sharing Responsibility" 
  • Team Member in RT 2.1 "Improving the formalization of transfers and reducing their cost" 
Attended Prep Meetings
Attended Summit
Financial Contribution
  • 100,000€ non-earmarked 
RT Participation
  • Team Member in RT 2.1 "Fostering more opportnities for regular migration" 
  • Team Member in RT 3.2 "Policy and institutional coherence on migration and development within government" 
  • Team Member in RT 3.3 "Regional consultative processes, Inter-regional consultative fora and regional organizations and economic integration processes at the interface of migration and development" 
Attended Prep Meetings
Attended Summit
Financial Contribution
  • 100,000€ non-earmarked
RT Participation

No Participation

Attended Summit
Financial Contribution

100,000€ non-earmarked 

RT Participation
  • Team Member in RT 2.1 "Reducing the cost of migration and maximizing human development" 
  • Team Member in RT 2.2 "Migration, gender and family"
  • Co-Chair in RT 3.3 "How can RCPs and Inter-regional Fora better include the migration and development nexus?"
Attended Prep Meetings
Attended Summit
Financial Contribution
  • 100,000€ non-earmarked 
RT Participation
  • Team Member in RT 1.1 "Engaging the Private Sector in Labour Market Planning"
Attended Summit
Financial Contribution

No Financial Contribution

RT Participation
  • USD 79,102 for organizational expenses
Attended Summit
Financial Contribution
  • Left-over from GFMD 2010/2011 79,102 USD 
RT Participation
  • Co-Chair in RT 2.1 "Enhancing the development impact of labour migration and circular mobility through more systematic labour market and skills matching" 
Attended Prep Meetings
Attended Summit
Financial Contribution

No Financial Contribution

RT Participation
  • Team Member in RT 2.1 "Mainstreaming migration into planning at the sectoral level" 
Attended Summit
Thematic Meetings
- Attended Thematic Meeting on "Recognizing the contributions of women migrants to economic and social development in countries of origin and destination and addressing their specific needs, particularly concerning respect for their human rights" on 8 September 2015 in Geneva, Switzerland.
Financial Contribution

No Financial Contribution

RT Participation
  • Team Member in RT 3.2 "Principles, institutions and processes for safe, orderly and regular migration"
Attended Summit
Thematic Meetings
- Attended the Thematic Workshop on "Migration, Connectivity and Business" on 29 March 2016 in Bangkok, Thailand.
- Attended the GFMD Thematic Workshop on "Migration for Harmonious Societies" on 18 May 2016 in Geneva, Switzerland.
Financial Contribution
  • Left over from 2016
RT Participation
  • Team Member in RT 2.2 "Fostering the development impact of returning migrants" 
Attended Summit

Young Generations as Change Agents (YGCA)

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

Young Generations as Change Agents (YGCA) is a mobility scheme between Morocco and Spain for studying purposes, enabling Moroccan post-graduates to enhance and strengthen their skills through a master’s degree in Spain. A selection of students has the opportunity to subsequently launch tailored projects upon their return to Morocco, through which they will have the opportunity to contribute to the development of specific key social and economic sectors and positively affect their communities of origin.

High Opportunity for Mediterranean Executive Recruitment (HOMERe)

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

The project seeks to boost youth employability and overcome skill mismatches by mobilising cooperation between local authorities, private sector, universities and other stakeholders in France, Morocco, Tunisia and Egypt to offer mobility placements for 6-month internships in French companies of various sectors.

Responding to gaps caused by the pandemic: the situation in Spain

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

Spain offers universal access to basic health services. Beyond the most favourable scheme enjoyed by EU nationals covered by EU common legislation, all migrants staying in Spain, irrespective of legal status, have access to the basic national health system. This measure has proved its utility during the pandemic.

Moroccan Dialect Classes in Terrassa, Spain: Equipping Teachers with Language, Intercultural, and Anti-Racist Skills

Submitted by Ms. Anqi ZHANG on

The City of Terrassa commits to implement an anti-racist and intercultural educational strategy by providing language and cultural training to its primary and secondary grade teachers.

Facilitated by professionals, these courses were developed to meet the needs of Terrassa’s Moroccan population, which represents the largest foreign population (6.13% of the city's inhabitants, with a distribution of up to 40% in some neighbourhoods). The courses help teachers acquire basic language skills to improve interaction with their students of Moroccan origin and their families.

EUROMED Migration V (EMM5)

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

In the framework of the EUROMED Migration V project, trainings to sensitise journalists and media professionals about the benefits of promoting a balanced narrative on migration are organised. Public Communicatorsí Workshops are developed to highlight the central role of public communicators in informing the public debate on migration, and in shaping people's perceptions of migration.

EMBRACIN Project - Reception of young people in exile

Submitted by Ms. Anqi ZHANG on

This action was submitted through the GFMD Mayors Mechanism Call to Local Action for Migrants and Refugees.

EMBRACIN is a comprehensive model for the reception of young adult migrants, with whom we have had experiences in Andalusia in the cities of Seville, Jaén and Cádiz. These three experiences of reception, for a total of 16 young nationals from third countries, are each supported by six professionals from different disciplines: medicine, law, social work, language interpretation, teaching and psychology.

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