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Call for nominations - Migrants4Climate Award (M4C)

Submitted by Ms. Anqi ZHANG on

We are pleased to inform you about the launch of the call for nominations for the Migrants4Climate Award (M4C), an initiative of the Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) in partnership with the GFMD France 2022-2023 Chair and the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

M4C Initiative was launched by CVF at COP27 in Egypt and this inaugural edition of the M4C Award seeks to identify dynamic initiatives led by or with migrants’ and diasporas’ involvement in the field of climate action.

Initiatives should have a strong focus on inclusion, innovation, impact and inspiration. For more information, please find attached a flyer illustrating the initiative or visit https://thecvf.org/migrants4climate

The nomination process is open to all GFMD stakeholders until 15 September 2023, at 23:59 (UTC).

Invite a non-focal point delegate to the summit

(Only Focal Points can invite non-focal point delegates to the Summit.)

This form enables you to invite non-focal point delegates to the Fourteenth GFMD Summit Meeting in Geneva. If approved, your invited delegate will receive a GFMD Account and a link to the online registration, where they can register themselves.

All account requests are subject to the approval of the GFMD. If you have any questions or technical concerns, please write to gfmd@iom.int.

This form should only be used to invite members of your country or organization’s delegation. For other participants, including representatives from the private sector, civil society and local authorities, there are different registration modalities for the Summit.

Please note that questions with a red asterisk (*) are mandatory, all other questions are optional.

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