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Preparatory Meetings of the 2022-2023 GFMD Troika, SG and FOF


Third GFMD Preparatory Meetings - 24 October 2023

3rd Meeting of the GFMD Steering Group (11:30-13:00 CEST)

Amphitheatre D bis, CICG and online

3rd Meeting of the GFMD Friends of the Forum (15:00-17:00 CEST)

Amphitheatre D bis, CICG and online


Second GFMD Preparatory Meetings - 18 April 2023

2nd Meeting of the GFMD Steering Group (11:30-13:00 CEST)

Amphitheatre D bis, CICG and online

2nd Meeting of the GFMD Friends of the Forum (15:00-17:00 CEST)

Amphitheatre D bis, CICG and online


First GFMD Preparatory Meetings - 22 November 2022

1st Meeting of the GFMD Steering Group (11:30-13:00 CET)

Room B-C, CICG and online

1st Meeting of the GFMD Friends of the Forum (15:00-17:00 CET)

Room B-C, CICG and online

GFMD Meeting

The GFMD Youth Stakeholder Network

Youth participation in the GFMD started under the Swedish Chairmanship in 2013 and has steadily grown over the years. Originally coordinated through the UN Major Group for Children and Youth, in 2017 a dedicated Working Group on Migration was established to bring the voice of youth to migration fora at international level. In 2021, having reached over 179 organizations representing 88,000 youth across the world, the Group re-established itself as the Migration Youth and Children Platform (MYCP), the youth-led constituency for migration issues.

Formalized Youth Participation

The GFMD Steering Group formalized the participation of youth as a mandated stakeholder of the Forum in July 2021, recognizing MYCP as the official body for the self-organized participation by children and youth in the GFMD. 

Youth engagement in the GFMD is facilitated through various structures, including Member States, the three Mechanisms, and GFMD Observers. The inclusion of children and youth as panelists and speakers at GFMD events is encouraged, and youth preparatory spaces linked to the Summit are established. The modalities of youth participation in GFMD activities are defined in collaboration with each individual mechanism or structure, with MYCP acting as a source and coordinator of youth involvement.

Youth Forums

Over the past years, Youth Forums have been organized as preparatory events to the GFMD Summit. These are capacity building opportunities for young people, composed of youth leaders, young migrants, organization and government members, attending the Summit as youth representatives, brought together to discuss migration issues, priorities and solutions. Youth Forums include skills workshops, and preparatory roundtables, and feature expert speakers from UN agencies, prominent stakeholders, and champion countries to support the discussions.

For more information, please visit the MYCP's website www.migrationyouthchildrenplatform.org or write to migrationgfp@umgcy.org.

Passing the Baton: Colombia takes the GFMD Chairship

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on
Colombia GFMD Chair 2024-2025

The 14th Summit of the Global Forum on Migration and Development that took place in Geneva on 23-25 January 2024 brought together over 1300 delegates from 123 governments and 49 GFMD observers, including international organisations, regional consultative processes, international financial institutions, as well as representatives from civil society, the private sector, cities and youth.

Following  19-months of consultations, the Forum culminated in three days of constructive dialogue focused on  contemporary  migration debates, with a focus on six topical policy areas:

  1. The impact of climate change on human mobility;
  2. Rights and migration;
  3. The role of diasporas for social, cultural and economic development;
  4. Labour migration;
  5. Culture and narratives on migration;
  6. The  importance of a multi-level governance approach to tackle migration challenges.

The Summit discussions highlighted the important contribution of migration to the achievement of the Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals. In his remarks, Mr Guilhou, Global Affairs Director at the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs stated: “Human mobility can meet the needs of labor markets, climate action and rebalance diverging demographics across regions of the world, making it possible to nurture cultural diversity, contributing to countries of origin and destination.”

One of the most significant moments of the Summit was the passing of the baton from France to Colombia as GFMD Chair for 2024-2025. Colombia will officially assume the role of Chair of the GFMD on 1st April 2024.

Colombia has already begun laying the foundations for its work to define the priorities of the Chair’s programme in consultation with a multiplicity of stakeholders. Colombia will prioritize gender equality and women's rights in migration in line with its Feminist Foreign Policy (FFP), which promotes gender equality, women's empowerment and political participation of women, as well as the respect for their human rights.

Watch the speech of H.E. Mr. Gustavo Gallón Giraldo, Permanent Representative of Colombia to the UN in Geneva, at the Closing Ceremony

Colombia Assumes GFMD Chair: A Testament to bilateral friendship and multilateral commitment

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on
Chair Handover

Geneva, 27 March 2024

During an informal ceremony held at the Permanent Mission of France this morning, H.E. Mr. Jérôme Bonnafont, Permanent Representative of France to the United Nations in Geneva officially handed over the GFMD Chair to H.E. Mr Gustavo Adolfo Gallón Giraldo, Permanent Representative of Colombia.

Ambassador Bonnafont expressed appreciation to Colombia for assuming the Chair of the Forum. Acknowledging Colombia's pivotal role in addressing migration issues in the Latin American region, Ambassador Bonnafont highlighted the importance of geographical rotation of the Chair of the GFMD given the increasing relevance of migration in international fora and the need for dialogue among governments and stakeholders across all regions of the world.

Ambassador Gallón stressed that assuming the GFMD Chair is an exceptional opportunity for Colombia to highlight the significance of implementing public policies geared towards leveraging the contributions of migration to development. Ambassador Gallón mentioned Colombia's efforts to regularize migrants and maximize their contribution to the country's development while upholding human rights and indicated that Colombia's agenda for the GFMD 2024-2025 will have a strong focus on gender and diversity, children's issues, education, culture, climate change, social protection and inclusion in the workforce. Colombia will collaborate with all GFMD stakeholders to develop the programme of the upcoming Forum, including government agencies, civil society, local governments, youth, the private sector, academia, and international partners.

Start of the Chairship of Colombia: 1 April 2024

About the GFMD

Submitted by Mr. DGSL USER on

Created in 2007, the Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) is a state-led, informal and non-binding process, which helps shape the global debate on migration and development. It provides a flexible, multi-stakeholder space where governments can discuss the multi-dimensional aspects, opportunities and challenges related to migration, development, and the link between these two areas. The GFMD process allows governments - in partnership with civil society, the private sector, local and regional governments, youth, the UN system and other relevant stakeholders – to discuss sensitive issues, share policies and practices and explore innovative solutions.

Homepage slide link
About GFMD - Front image


             The France GFMD 2022-2023 Chairmanship

From environmental concerns to cultural aspects of migration: adopting an inclusive approach to meet the challenges of and increase the opportunities for human mobility


In order to position the Forum’s discussions at the heart of the 21st century priorities, the France GFMD 2022-2023 Chair has chosen “the impact of climate change on human mobility” as its overarching topic. This thematic area is the central theme of the chairmanship and will be addressed with a cross-cutting approach through other thematic priorities. These encompass Human Rights of Migrants, Diaspora, Labour Migration, Migration Narratives and Culture, and Multi-Level Governance.

Themes and issues

The French Chair has developed an ambitious programme engaging all the Forum’s stakeholders, which include Member States, representatives of the GFMD Civil Society, Business and Mayor's Mechanisms, the Migration Youth and Children Platform, International Organizations, the GFMD working groups and Regional Consultative Processes (RCPs). The programme articulates the challenges and opportunities facing migration and development that will be the focus of discussions at the Forum.

The French Chair aims to promote the GFMD dialogue on an international level and ensure its long-term success. Convinced of the added value of knowledge-sharing, the Chair aims at creating and strengthening ties between the GFMD and other intergovernmental processes concerned with migration. Only in this way can we succeed together in meeting shared challenges and maximising the opportunities available to us all.

Programme and calendar

The culmination of the French Chair's efforts was the a high-level Summit held on 22-25 January 2024. A year-long programme leading up to the Summit has encompassed a series of thematic workshops and events. Notable milestones of the programme include:

Related Documents 

All relevant documents related to the France GFMD 2022-2023 Chair's program, thematic workshops, and related events can be accessed on this link.

GFMD Thematic Workshop on Culture, Narratives and Human Mobility

Submitted by Ms. Anqi ZHANG on
Culture Workshop

GFMD Thematic Workshop on Culture, Narratives, and Human Mobility

On June 27, 2023, the National Museum of Immigration History welcomed more than 130 representatives from Member States, civil society, the private sector, local authorities, youth, academics, and international organizations for a full-day of discussions on culture, narratives, and human mobility.

The workshop aimed to shed light on the value of promoting constructive discussions on culture, narratives, and perceptions of migration in anticipation of the 14th GFMD Summit.

Aligned with the GFMD Chair's priorities, the workshop explored the intricate relationship between climate change and human mobility, the role of diasporas in cultural and economic development, and strategies for improving public perceptions of migration.

Throughout the day, three panels provided nuanced insights. Discussions ranged from the importance of balanced public discourse and the transformative potential of diasporas to the influence of human mobility on cultural and artistic development.

 As we look forward to the 14th GFMD Summit in January 2024, these discussions will continue to inform and enrich our understanding of migration's cultural dimensions.



You can watch the recording of the panel discussions held within this workshop on the GFMD YouTube channel: GFMD France - Thematic workshop on culture and human mobility (27 June 2023) - YouTube

Related documents are available in the 2022-2023 Chair’s Key Documents.

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