Shaping development-oriented migration (MEG)

Submitted by Costanza Bindi on

The Global Programme “Shaping development-oriented migration” (MEG) assists partner countries in leveraging the benefits of regular migration and engaging diaspora for sustainable development.

Working on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the MEG is active in up to 15 partner countries around the globe. It contributes towards implementing the GCM and is part of a comprehensive approach to migration and development. The MEG contributes to the following objectives: 

Regulations of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) on Consulate Protection and Assistance

Submitted by Costanza Bindi on

Adopted by China’s State Council in late June 2023, the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) on Consulate Protection and Assistance took effect on September 1. 

The Regulations consist of 27 articles, mainly specifying the responsibilities of various parties (the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), diplomatic institutions abroad, relevant departments of the State Council, and local governments) in providing consular protection and assistance, including guidance and coordination, safety prevention, and support.

OHCHR's Recommended Principles And Guidelines On Human Rights At International Borders

Submitted by Costanza Bindi on

OHCHR’s Recommended Principles and Guidelines on Human Rights at International Borders are the result of wide-ranging expert consultations to draw up normative guidelines on the governance of international borders. They are intended to inform the work of States, international agencies and other stakeholders with an interest in human rights-based border governance. The Principles and Guidelines accompanied the report of the Secretary-General on Protection of Migrants (A/69/277) presented to the 69th session of the General Assembly held in 2014. 

WHO Global Action Plan on promoting the health of refugees and migrants

Submitted by Costanza Bindi on

The first Global Action Plan addressing the health of refugees and migrants was adopted by WHO member states in 2019, to assert health as an essential component of refugee assistance and good migration governance. 

This Plan is instrumental in prioritising efforts to improve global health equity by addressing the physical and mental health and well-being of refugees and migrants worldwide and meeting the Sustainable Development Goals for these populations as well as the objectives of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration and the Global Compact on Refugees.

The National Commission for Refugees, Migrants, and Internally Displaced Persons in Nigeria

Submitted by Costanza Bindi on

The National Commission for Refugees, Migrants and Internally Displaced Persons was established by Decree 52 of 1989 now Cap. N21, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004 (NCFRMI Act).

The NCFRMI Act incorporated the 1951 United Nations Convention relating to the status of Refugees, its 1967 Protocol and the 1969 Organisation of African Unity Convention governing specific aspect of Refugees problems in Africa and they together form the guide to the protection and management of asylum seekers and refugees in Nigeria.

Regional guidelines on the protection and assistance of cross-border displaced persons and migrants in countries affected by disasters

Submitted by Ms. Anqi ZHANG on

Addressing displacement in the context of disasters and the adverse effects of climate change has been part of the regional agenda of the South American Conference on Migration (SACM) in recent years.

Words into Action guidelines – Disaster displacement: How to reduce risk, address impacts and strengthen resilience

This Words into Action guide offers practical guidance to help government authorities integrate disaster displacement and other related forms of human mobility into regional, national, sub-national and local DRR strategies in accordance with Target (E) of the Sendai Framework, to revise or develop DRR strategies by 2020. It provides basic background information and highlights the various roles DRR and DRM can play in reducing, preparing for and responding to disaster displacement.

Ms. Anqi ZHANG

Legazpi City: Expanded Help Desk for Overseas Filipino Workers

Submitted by Ms. Anqi ZHANG on

Legazpi City commits to provide services to Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW) and their families through a Municipal Help Desk and to expand the Help Desk services in 2023 to support pre-migration orientation seminars and improved access to health care.
The Municipal OFW Help Desk:
Engages with civil society and the Filipino diaspora to monitor the needs of OFWs and to map stakeholders.
Compiles information on government services and informs prospective OFWs on the processes and risks of overseas employment.

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