Each Chair-in-Office prepares a comprehensive budget for the respective Forum, indicating the part it will cover through its own resources and the part for which it will require external funding. Provisions for the possible transfer of left-over funds from one Chair-in-Office to the succeeding Chair-in-Office are also made.

Financial contributions to the GFMD process are made on a voluntary basis. Governments’ responses to calls for financial and in-kind contributions have varied from one year to another. But the number of governments that have provided financial and in-kind contributions has grown steadily through the years –from only 5 in Belgium (2007) to 11 in the Philippines (2008), 12 in Greece (2009), 16 in Mexico (2010), 12 in Switzerland (2011), 21 in Mauritius (2012) and 17 in Sweden (2013-2014).

Financial contributions are paid to a GFMD account managed by the GFMD Support Unit under the supervision of the Chair-in-Office. The Chair-in-Office incurs expenditures in accordance with the budget and ensures the efficient management of all funds received, including controlling and auditing.

See: Financial and Non-financial Contributions