Migrant Integration Policy Index (MIPEX)

MIPEX is a fully interactive tool and reference guide to assess, compare and improve integration policy. MIPEX is produced by the Barcelona Centre for International Affairs (independent think tank) and the Migration Policy Group (European NGO), with funding support from the European Union (CrossMigration project) and the Centre for Global Development Europe. The project also collaborates with a variety of other partners, including academics. 

Mr. Dário Muhamudo
Work-based Health Insurance

The Emirate of Abu Dhabi mandates employers to offer work-based health insurance to all workers residing in the Emirate. The target is to replicate Abu Dhabi's program (or something similar) across the UAE.

Mr. Dário Muhamudo
Strategic Plan for Citizenship and Integration

Spain’s Strategic Plan for Citizenship and Integration (2011-2014) main objective is to strengthen social cohesion in a new migratory context characterised by reduced flows of entering for immigrants. The intended purpose of the agreement is to strengthen both the instruments and integration policies such as public services and participation to ensure equal access of all citizens.

Mr. Dário Muhamudo
International money transfers from Switzerland: An information brochure for migrants

The State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO published this brochure, as a contribute to greater transparency among the various operators and services on the Swiss market. In addition, in promoting private sector development in transition and developing countries, it is helping to create attractive savings and investment opportunities on site. This encourages recipients to use the money not only for spending but also, and increasingly, for productive investments, thereby contributing to growth and job creation in their own country.

Mr. Dário Muhamudo
Special Ambassador for International Cooperation on Migration Issues

In June 2009, the Swiss Government appointed a special Ambassador for International Migration in the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) to facilitate the establishment of a common framework around coherence within all Federal Offices concerned with migration issues.

Mr. Dário Muhamudo
Global Program Migration and Development

The Section Global Programme Migration and Development is a thematically oriented unit that makes use of its operational activities to make a contribution to finding a solution to the global challenges linked to labour migration, internally displaced persons, refugees, and victims of trafficking in human beings. It supports programmes on these themes both financially and by providing know-how, while contributing its experiences within the scope of multilateral dialogue on migration.

Mr. Dário Muhamudo

Independent Parliamentary Committee for Circular Migration and Development

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

In 2009 the Swedish government appointed an Independent Parliamentary Committee on Circular Migration and Development, with the task to examine the link between circular migration and development by mapping circular migration to and from Sweden and identify factors that influence migrants’ opportunities to circulate. The purpose of the Committee was to see how the connections between circular migration and development could be further enhanced. The committee's final report Circular migration and development - proposals and future perspectives (SOU 2011:28) was presented on 31 March 2011.

Center for Migrant Support in the Country of Origin (CAMPO)

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

CAMPO started as a project in the area of migration that promoted regular mobility between Cape Verde and the European Union (EU): Strengthening the capacity of Cape Verde to manage labour and return migration within the Framework of the Mobility Partnership EU/CV. It provides free counseling services to Cape-Verdean citizens willing to migrate to the EU. It also provided reintegration information to EU retuning Cape Verdean migrants.

Municipal International Cooperation

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

VNG International is the international cooperation agency of the Association of Netherlands Municipalities.

It supports decentralisation processes and facilitates decentralised cooperation. It provides capacity building services to strengthen local governments, their associations, training institutes and decentralisation task forces both in developing countries and countries in transition. It builds on existing experience, with high quality services such as benchmarks, tools for tax collection and handbooks.

Blue Birds Pilot Program on Circular Migration

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The Netherlands’ pilot on circular migration will give about 160 migrants, all professionals with vocational training, an opportunity to gain working experience for a period of two years in Dutch companies. They are employed in regular vacancies in sectors where there are shortages in the Dutch labor market. The training will be based on a personal development plan, focusing on return. Upon return in their home countries the migrants will be assisted in finding a (better) job, starting up their own business and investing their remittances.

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