Leave Healthy, Return Healthy Program (Ventanilla de Salud)

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The Ventanilla de Salud is a program of the Government of Mexico developed by the Department of Health and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and implemented through 50 Mexican consulates in the United States and local health organizations. The Ventanillas provide reliable information on health topics, counseling and referrals to health services available and accessible in local communities.

Comprehensive Health Care Strategy for Migrants (Salud del Migrante 2007 - 2012)

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The Migrants Health Program 2007 – 2012 it is a public policy in line with the guidelines and strategies defined by the National Development Plan for the 2007 – 2012 period.

It defines objectives, strategies action plans and goals aiming at supporting the objectives defined in the Sectorial Health Program 2007 – 2012 (PROSESA).

Guide for Migrant Women

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The General Secretariat for Gender Equality (Ministry of Interior) has issued a guide for migrant women concerning their rights in the areas of work, health and social security. This also helps to sensitize officials and others to the need for equal treatment.

Intercultural Schools

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The aim of cross-curriculum education is to set up and run primary and secondary classes that provide education to young people with a specific educational, social or cultural identity.

In cross-cultural schools, the standard curriculum is adapted to meet the specific educational, social or cultural needs of the students attending them. They are also aimed at non-native children with long-term residence in Greece.

Mama learns Greek

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

A special program called "Mama Learns Greek" -Learning of the Greek Language Tailor-made for Migrant Mothers helps migrant mothers both learn the language and improve their ability to help their children in school. This contributes to gender equality, the integration of mothers and children, cohesion of the family and human development of mothers and children.
This program is also part of the Annual Program of the European Integration Fund, a program that promotes linguistic skills and women’s capacity to assist their children in their schooling and life.

Returning Experts Programme

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The Returning Experts Programme supports the professional integration of university graduates and experienced experts from developing, emerging and transition countries, who have completed their training in Germany and are interested in returning to their countries of origin. The focus is on placing professionals in areas of particular relevance to development policy. In addition to placement and advisory services, the programme offers financial support to experts interested in returning to their own countries.

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