Policy Memorandum International Migration and Development 2008

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The policy memorandum sets out the migration and development policy framework for the Government of The Netherlands, focusing on six key policy priorities aimed at areas in which the Netherlands can make a difference, such as institutional development in migration management; promoting circular migration and brain gain; strengthening the involvement of migrant organizations; strengthening the link between remittances and development and encouraging sustainable return and reintegration.

Private Employment Agencies – New Regulation UAE

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

In January 2011 the UAE issued a new decree laying out stringent rules for granting recruitment and employment agencies licenses. The decree aims at promoting an efficient, transparent and equitable private employment intermediary sector that adds value to the UAE labour market, while extending full protection under the law to expatriate workers.

Pre-Departure Orientation Program (Philippines)

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

Since 1983 the Philippines has provided a Pre-Departure Orientation Seminar (PDOS) to overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) providing relevant and tailor-made information to help them cope with their new work environment and the culture of their country of destination.

Since 2009, the PDOS has expanded with the implementation of a Comprehensive Pre-Departure Education Program (CPDEP) for Household Service Workers (HSWs).

Central Asia Regional Migration Programme (CARMP)

This programme concerns labour migration which has played a key part in reducing poverty levels in Central Asia, particularly in the two poorest countries, where the UK Department for International Development (DFID) has bilateral programmes – Kyrgyzstan (KRG) and Tajikistan (TJK) – where most communities, especially in rural areas have large number of labour migrants abroad, mainly to the Russian Federation (RF) and Kazakhstan (KZK).

Mr. Dário Muhamudo

Not a minute more: Time to Protect the Rights of Migrant Domestic Workers - A Check List and Policy Tool Kit to Protect the Rights of Migrant Domestic Workers

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

Given the practical action oriented focus, the agreed checklist will be launched by the governments of Jamaica, Ghana and others at GFMD 2012 in Mauritius as a migration and development practice. The launching governments will initiate a "call for action" for governments to identify which provisions in the checklist are already being implemented in their countries and send in these good practices to UN Women. With the help of partner agencies, responses will be collected and an analytical inventory of protection initiatives by GFMD governments developed.

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