Birthright Program

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The Taglit-Birthright Israel program aims to strengthening Jewish identity, Jewish communities, and solidarity with Israel via an educational trip to Israel for Jewish young adults around the world.

National Coordinating Committee to Combat and Prevent Trafficking in Persons

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The Egyptian government established in July 15, 2007 a national coordinating committee for combating and preventing trafficking in persons to serve as a national coordination mechanism and to be responsible, among its tasks, for drafting a national action plan to combat trafficking in persons. It reflects the political will of the Egyptian Government to deal in an integrated manner with this problem

Administration of Temporary Contractual Employment Cycle

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The Governments of India, the Philippines and the United Arab Emirates launched a pilot project to test and identify best practices in managing the temporary contractual employment cycle. The lessons learned from the pilot project will form the basis for developing a comprehensive regional framework that can be carried out on a much larger scale.

National Rural Employment Guarantee Programme

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The introduction of the National Rural Employment Guarantee Programme, is designed to help “increase incomes of the poor directly and reduce expenses incurred on distress migration.” Through agro-food processing, sericulture and other village enterprises, India hopes to “check rural-urban migration by gainfully employing people in villages.”

Migration and Development (France - Mali)

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

This practice facilitates the investments of individual Malians or Malian Diaspora associations in France in local community development projects or enterprise creation in Mali. Participation in this programme by Malian migrants in France is not conditional on permanent return.

This programme addresses all aspects of migration, including annual consultations between France and Mali and twinning arrangements between villages.

Development Marketplace for the African Diaspora in Europe (D-MADE)

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The Development Marketplace for the African Diaspora in Europe (D-MADE) is a competitive grant program aimed at funding innovative, small scale development projects which are profit-making, results-oriented and have the potential to be scaled up or replicated.

The program has two components:

Strategy to Combat Human Trafficking and Slavery

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

Australia’s whole-of-Government Strategy to Combat Human Trafficking and Slavery includes specialist police officers; a victim support program; visa arrangements to enable suspected victims and witnesses to remain in Australia; specialist immigration officers posted in Thailand, China and the Philippines, who aim to prevent human trafficking in source countries; and capacity building activities in the region to deter human trafficking and slavery, train law enforcement officials, and assist victims under Australia’s overseas aid program.

Tanzania's Employment Service Agency (TaESA)

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The Tanzania's Employment Service Agency (TaESA) is an Executive Agency under the Ministry of Labour and Employment. Under this agency, and in order to better protect departing migrants, the Government of Tanzania organizes pre-departure training to migrants.

Apart from the provision of the above trainings, the TaESA has the main functions:

GIZ Pilot program for non-profit projects of migrant associations (2007 – 2010)

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

GIZ ran a pilot program from 2007 to 2010 to support non-profit projects by registered migrant associations in their countries of origin. The program – besides its local poverty-reducing effects on the target group in the partner countries – had the objective to foster the development of synergetic cooperative structures between the governmental development cooperation agency GIZ and migrant associations in Germany that engage in their respective countries of origin.

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