Language Skills Training for Thai Overseas Job Seekers

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

As well as providing vocational training for Thai workforce, the Department of Skills Development of the Thai Ministry of Labour (DSD) also provides foreign language and cultural training courses for Thai overseas job seekers who register with employment services centers and the Department of Employment.

In addition, the DSD also provides special language training such as for the EPS programme in cooperation with Korean Government and IM Japan programme in cooperation with the Japanese government. 

Swedish Language Training for Professionals (SFX)

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

This language training programme improves the possibilities of migrants to enter the labour market and to work in profession that fit their educational background.  In many parts of Sweden, language courses, or so called SFX educations – “Swedish for professionals” are organised at municipality level aiming at migrants with different professional backgrounds. The teaching of the Swedish language focuses on the development of the professional language. The training also provides the opportunity to learn how the job market is functioning and how one´s own profession is exercised in Sweden.

Complementary Education/Bridging Programmes

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

This practice comprises initiatives with the aim of integrating individuals with foreign degrees into the Swedish higher education system and labour market. For instance, the Government has allocated resources for complementary education, aimed at immigrants with higher education qualifications and degrees  in law, medicine, nursing, dentistry and teacher education from a third country who need complementary education so as to engage in professional activities in Sweden.

Envoi d'argent Website

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

This website offers both comparison of remittance costs on 26 corridors from France, and editorial space for diaspora to communicate on their activities and exchange ideas on the blog.

It has contributed to fostering competition between remittance operators through increased transparency and information. It is also widely used by diaspora members as a platform to share information. 

Cross-cutting Intervention Framework on Internal and International Migration

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The French Development Agency intends to promote a specific approach of migration, both internal and international. Its goal is to avoid developing specific migration projects and instead to mainstream migration issues into other development sectors: private sector development; education and employment; health; environment and climate change; urban development; rural development and food security.

Research program: “Reducing the costs of migrant remittances to optimize their impact on development- financial tools and products for the Maghreb and Franc zone”

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

Remittances from migrants are a major source of financing for the economies of developing countries and of the recipient populations. They are of great benefit to large segments of the population which, without these resources, would live in conditions of abject poverty. Consequently, remittance flows tend to remain stable even when the migrants’ countries of residence are beset by economic and financial crisis. They seem to be less volatile than official development assistance and foreign direct investment.

Programme to Support the Solidarity Initiatives for Development (Programme d’Appui aux Initiatives de Solidarité pour le Développement / The Co-Development Programme)

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

This bilateral program aims to facilitate actions undertaken by Senegalese diaspora members living in France for the economic and social development of their country of origin. It has four main components:

OECD Database on Migrants in OECD Countries

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

This database is based on censuses of OECD countries and provides comprehensive and comparative information on a broad range of demographic and labour market characteristics of immigrants living in OECD countries. It is helpful to better understand migrant characteristics and inform policy development in this regard: highly qualified migration and brain drain issues, available skills and qualifications among diaspora members, localization and so on. 

National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF), Kenya

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The mission of the National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF) in Kenya is to provide accessible, affordable sustainable and quality social health insurance through effective and efficient utilization of resources to the satisfaction of its stakeholders. Currently there are no special provisions for migrant workers, as anybody seeking helth care is treated equally. 

Independent Parliamentary Committee on Circular Migration and Development

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

In 2009 the Swedish government appointed an independent Parliamentary Committee on Circular Migration and Development, with the task of examining the link between circular migration and development by mapping circular migration to and from Sweden and identifing factors that influence migrants’ opportunities to circulate.

Subscribe to Sweden 2013-2014