Validation of professional knowledge, skills and competencies

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

The regulation on conditions and procedures for validating professional knowledge, skills and competencies came into force in January 2015. The validation procedure verifies compliance of professional knowledge, skills and competences – acquired through non-formal and informal learning – with State educational requirements, and guarantees better access to vocational training and the labour market. However, only qualifications in professions and specialties included in the list of professions for vocational education and training (VET) can be validated.

Israel-Bulgaria employment agreement

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

The framework agreement settles issues which concern the regulation of the temporary employment of citizens of the two countries, in specific economic sectors to be agreed upon in each of the respective countries. The number of the people employed under the agreement depends on the available job vacancies within a yearly set quota.

National Skills Development Policy

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

The comprehensive National Skills Development Policy in Bangladesh aims to guide skill development strategies and facilitate improved coordination of all elements of skills training and the parties involved. The Skills Development Policy contributes to the implementation of other national economic, employment, and social policies so that Bangladesh can achieve its goal of attaining middle income status in 2021. 

Overseas Employment and Migrants Act 2013

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

This Act aims to promote opportunities for overseas employment and to establish a safe and fair system of migration, to ensure rights and welfare of migrant workers and members of their families, to enact a new law by repealing the Emigration Ordinance, 1982 (Ordinance No. XXIX of 1982), and for making provisions in conformity with the International Convention on the Rights of Migrant Workers and the Members of Their Families 1990 and other international labour and human rights conventions and treaties ratified by the People’s Republic of Bangladesh.

Integration courses

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

Integration courses consist of a language and an orientation component. They cover everyday topics such as the workplace, shopping, television and radio, and childrearing. Participants learn about dealing with administrative offices, writing emails and letters, and interviewing for a job. You will also learn more about Germany as a country, from a number of perspectives: culture and politics, how people live and interact in Germany, and the values on which German society is based. The language course usually consists of 600 hours of instruction, the orientation course takes 60 hours.

The Australian Cultural Orientation (AUSCO) Programme

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

AUSCO is provided to Refugee and Special Humanitarian Programme entrants over the age of five years prior to their departure for Australia. AUSCO gives practical advice about the journey to Australia, including quarantine laws and information about what to expect post-arrival.

The programme was first established in 2003 in recognition of the need for orientation for refugees from Africa. AUSCO has since expanded and is now offered in four regions: Africa, South Asia, South East Asia and the Middle East. Additional courses are provided in other locations as required.

National Council for Migration

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

The National Council for Migration has been established on a plural basis, and the different sectors get together in order to develop the National Plan for Development. One fundamental component of the Council is the social organizations, since there are two places for the civil society. Thus, the public policies and the different programs can be applied always bearing in mind the logics of the migrant people. 

Memorandum of Agreement for Cooperation in Promoting Agribusiness under the OFW Reintegration Program

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

The partnership between the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) and the Department of Agriculture (DA) aims to implement joint and convergent programs, projects, and services for OFWs and their families who intend to pursue agribusiness as part of the National Reintegration Program for OFWs. They conducted a series of agribusiness investment forums in different destination countries to promote the program. 

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