National Strategy for Financial Inclusion (NSFI)

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

The National Strategy aims to optimize collective efforts toward financial inclusion in the Philippines. It aims to raise awareness, appreciation and understanding of financial inclusion and enable coordination among various stakeholders.

The objective of the National Strategy is aligned with the Philippine Development Plan (PDP), which envisions a regionally-responsive, development-oriented and inclusive financial system that provides for the evolving needs of adiverse Filipino public.

Subcommittee on International Migration Development

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

The Subcommittee on International Migration Development aims to raise the consciousness and appreciation of migration and development and increase coordination and convergence among migration-related agencies and other government agencies. This effort has cascaded to the sub-national level. Committees on migration and development, usually on the regional development councils have been established in four regions as of today. 

Philippine Development Plan 2011-2016 (PDP)

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

The Philippine Development Plan 2011-2016 adopts a framework of inclusive growth, which is high growth that is sustained, generates mass employment, and reduces poverty. With good governance and anticorruption as the overarching theme of each and every intervention, the Plan translates into specific goals, objectives, strategies, programs and projects all the things that the Philippines aims to accomplish in the medium term. 60 provisions on Migration and Development were included in 7 out of 9 chapters of the Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2011-2016.

Health Guide to Switzerland

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

Where must I go if I feel unwell or have had an accident? Is medical treatment free in Switzerland or must I pay for it? What should I do in an emergency? What types of insurance do I need? How can I protect myself from illness? Where can I find health information in my own language? 

Council of the Moroccan Community living abroad (CCME)

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

A national consultative institution placed by His Majesty King Mohammed VI, the Council of the Moroccan Community living abroad (CCME) was established by Royal Decree in December 2007, and was made constitutional ensuing the July 2011 reform in the constitution approved by referendum.

The CCME's responsibilities include the monitoring and evaluation of the country's public policies in regards to its nationals abroad.

Inter-Ministerial Task Force on Trafficking

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

This task force aims to fight or track down the traffickers of persons. It is chaired by one of the senior deputy ministers, and it is involving all stakeholders in the country, government, non-government, private sector and the civil society as well as others who are willing to help in terms of the global partners from the UN system or from bilateral donor countries.

Peasant Permit

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

The Peasant Permit is a two year, renewable permit issued by the Tanzanian government to long-standing refugees and asylum seekers.  Historically, these permits were issued exclusively in the Kigoma region, home to Tanzania’s encamped refugee population.  However, due to the advocacy efforts of Asylum Access Tanzania (AATZ), in November 2011 the Tanzanian government expanded the issuance of Peasant Permits to immigrants living outside of traditional “refugee designated” regions.

Subscribe to Türkiye 2014-2015