Call to Action: “Remittances in Crisis: How to Keep Them Flowing”

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

International initiatives such as the Call to Action: “Remittances in Crisis: How to Keep Them Flowing”, launched by Switzerland and the United Kingdom in May 2020, have also contributed to leveraging remittances and other migration-related financial flows to assist local COVID-19 response and recovery interventions.

Coronavirus: municipalities of the Province of Buenos Aires hiring migrant physicians

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

Municipalities across the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina hired migrants from Venezuela with professional medical degrees that had not yet been revalidated by the national government. Some 4,500 doctors, nurses, and other health professionals were hired.

GCM National Implementation Plan, Portugal

Submitted by Ms. Charlotte … on

Portugal was (one of) the first countries in the world to approve its National Plan to implement the Global Compact on Migration. The National Implementation Plan is structured around the following 5 fundamental axes: 

• Promotion of safe, orderly and regular migration; 

• Improvement of migration flow organization and integrated border management processes; 

• Promotion and qualification of immigrant reception and integration mechanisms;

• Supporting the connection of migrants to their country of origin and their return projects; 

One International Migration Data

Submitted by Ms. Charlotte … on

Recognizing the importance of data provision in migration policy, the enaction of Presidential Regulation No. 39 of 2019 on One Data Indonesia, aims to help government to collect, manage, and utilize data accurately: sophisticatedly, integrated, accountable, accessible, and usable. Following this regulation, the Indonesian Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) has initiated the One International Migration Data project, which will facilitate collection of data on migration during the population census in 2020.

Call to Local Action

Submitted by Ms. Charlotte … on

Formally launched in the Word Urban Forum in 2019, the GFMD provided the opportunity to further discuss and follow-up on the Call to Local Action to implement the Global Compacts for Migration (GCM) and Refugees (GCR). Following the Marrakesh Mayors Declaration, which was signed by over 60 LRAs in December 2018, the Call to Local Action calls on LRAs to pledge specific actions that contribute to the implementation of the Migration and Refugee Compacts.

Migra Empresas

Submitted by Ms. Charlotte … on

The Municipality of La Pintana, Chile, has kick-started a project working with local businesses called ‘Migra Empresas’, which seeks to bring job offers to migrants and where the city administration provides legal and technical assistance to companies.  This program is part of La Pintana's commitment to work in five areas to make the commune an intercultural territory, inclusive and free of discrimination:

1- Institutionality that addresses the migrant reality.

2- Education and training plans for municipal personnel in this matter.

Mannheim 2030

Submitted by Ms. Charlotte … on

Recognizing the important role of cities in implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), the City of Mannheim has developed the “Mannheim 2030” Mission Statement to put into practce the 17 UN sustainability goals. The Mission Statement was developed through a large-scale public participation process, sponsored by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and Engagement Global's Service Agency Communities in One World. The Migration Advisory Board was part of this participatory process.

National Migration Strategy 2016-2020 (Georgia)

Submitted by Ms. Charlotte … on

The Migration Strategy 2016-2020 is the third strategic document for Georgia defining migration policy. The strategy reflects an increasing drive, in cooperation with the EU member and other states, to increase the basis for legal migration, and prevent illegal migration, and transnational and trans-boundary organised crime. A special emphasis is given to the development of mechanisms facilitating return and reintegration of Georgian citizens, protection of the rights and integration of persons with refugee or humanitarian status, and asylum seekers in Georgia.

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