Migration of African Talents through Capacity building and Hiring (MATCH)

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

Migration of African Talents through Capacity building and Hiring (MATCH) is a 39‑month initiative funded by the European Union (EU) aimed at providing skilled talents to European private sector companies whose needs for qualified staff could not be satisfied by the offer available on the EU labour market

By joining MATCH, companies from Belgium, Italy, The Netherlands and Luxembourg were supported with the sourcing and pre-selection of African talents from Senegal and Nigeria, two countries offering a surplus of qualified professionals.

Young Generations as Change Agents (YGCA)

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

Young Generations as Change Agents (YGCA) is a mobility scheme between Morocco and Spain for studying purposes, enabling Moroccan post-graduates to enhance and strengthen their skills through a master’s degree in Spain. A selection of students has the opportunity to subsequently launch tailored projects upon their return to Morocco, through which they will have the opportunity to contribute to the development of specific key social and economic sectors and positively affect their communities of origin.

Digital Explorers

Digital Explorers programme facilitates talent and knowledge exchange between Baltic, Nigerian, Kenyan, Armenian and Iraqi ICT sectors, striving to lead the digital revolution in their respective parts of the world.. The programme is built on and supported by the collaboration between public, private and non-profit organizations.

Mr. Camille Saadé

Capacity building of local governments in Santiago (Chile) and Mexico City to strengthen the socioeconomic integration of migrants and refugees through access to decent work, sustainable livelihoods, and social dialogue

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

This joint project seeks to improve migrant workers and refugees’ access to decent work and sustainable livelihoods by ensuring their employability, and access to employment opportunities and social protection programs implemented in Mexico City and Santiago. To that end, the project will design and support interventions that strengthen and articulate city services in both cities to provide an adequate response to populations on the move who are facing increased vulnerability. It will seek to create public-private synergies by engaging social actors and strengthening social dialogue.

Mediterranean Network for Training Orientation to Regular migration (MENTOR)

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

MeNTOR (Mediterranean Network for Training Orientation to Regular Migration) is a project that promotes legal migration paths through co-development cooperation projects. In its first phase (2017-2018), MenTOR aimed to improve temporary and circular migration schemes for young people between Italy, Morocco and Tunisia.

Germany – ‘Kosovo Skills Partnership for Mobility

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

Germany – ‘Kosovo Skills Partnership for Mobility’ a BMZ-funded Migration & Diaspora Programme (PMD) strengthens international cooperation and the standards of selected vocations in Kosovo. Through vocational training based on German standards carried out in Kosovo and Germany, young professionals have better employment possibilities in both countries and on return can support the “brain-gain” of Kosovo, making an enhanced use of migration pathways.

Paving the Way for Future Labour Migration: a Belgian-Tunisian Skills Mobility Partnership

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

Belgium and Tunisia have implemented a skills mobility partnership: Paving the way for future labour migration. This initiative is a multidimensional cooperation framework between different stakeholders from both countries (e.g., immigration office, public employment services, employers’ associations) aimed at assessing labour market needs, streamlining procedures, selecting candidates.

Developing the Global Filipino Teachers Programme

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

The Philippines has set in place the ‘Developing the Global Filipino Programme’. Under this programme, a Memorandum of Cooperation between the Philippine Commission on Higher Education and the Philippine Embassy in Phnom Penh was executed to pilot an education training programme to equip, capacitate, and enhance the competencies of Filipino teachers in Cambodia to qualify them for better teaching career positions.

UAE-India: Harmonised Framework for Skill Recognition and Certification

The UAE and India have developed the UAE-India Harmonized Framework for Skills Recognition and Certification designed to address the mismatch between workers’ skills and requirements of employers aims to improve skills mix in the UAE labour market and enhance the rate of mobility for certified workers, improving job security and reducing vulnerabilities. Employers in the UAE are incentivized to participate in the programme through reduced work permit fees.

Mr. Camille Saadé

The Year of Return - Ghana 2019

Submitted by Costanza Bindi on

In 2019, Ghana successfully hosted The Year of Return, Ghana 2019, a year-long programme of activities to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the arrival of the first recorded enslaved Africans in the State of Virginia in the United States.

These activities included visits to heritage sites, healing ceremonies, theatre and musical performances, lectures, investment forums and relocation conferences. The aim was to promote Ghana as a tourist destination and investment opportunity as well as to encourage resettlement in the motherland for the Africans in the diaspora. 


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