Agreements between the Philippines and the Canadian Provinces of Alberta, British Colombia, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan to implement Canada’s Temporary Foreign Worker Program.

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The agreements established a clearly defined recruitment process which must be followed by all parties, including by private recruitment agencies (PRAs). They specify that the Canadian employers should first inform their domestic Employment and Immigration Departments about the availability of jobs and seek permission to recruit. If the permission is granted, the Departments then relays the information to the Philippines Department of Labour and Employment which in turn alerts licensed PRAs in the Philippines to the recruitment opportunities.

Commonwealth Caribbean Seasonal Agriculture Workers’ Programme (C.C.S.A.W.P)

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The agreement aims to meet the temporary seasonal needs of Canadian agricultural producers during peak harvesting and planting periods. Under this Seasonal Agricultural Workers Scheme the government of Trinidad and Tobago established public authorities in Trinidad and Tobago and in Toronto, Canada to oversee recruitment and placement.

Employment Permit System (EPS) and bilateral arrangements

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The Republic of Korea introduced the Employment Permit System (EPS) in 2004, which recognized the need for low-skilled workers by Korean enterprises (particularly of small and medium sizes) in construction, manufacturing, agriculture and services, and introduced a government–to-government labour recruitment programme based on mandatory MOUs with 15 countries in Asia. A major achievement is the reduction in the average cost paid by a worker from US$3,509 under the trainee system in 2002 to US$927 under the EPS system in 2011.

i-platform (Platform for the Diaspora of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Switzerland)

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The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation supported the creation of a platform for the Bosnian and Herzegovinian Diaspora in Switzerland, which connects the Diaspora in Switzerland with the purpose of joining forces to support the development of the country of origin beyond the many existing individual contributions at family or community level.

‘Migration and Development’ Association: Linking communities with their diaspora for local development

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The association ‘Migration and Development’ is a civil society organization which has been engaged in integrated and participative development with migrants in southern Morocco for many years. Its engagement is anchored in the intention of enhancing the synergies between migrants and their territories in their community of origin. As such, the communities of origin are strongly involved in defining their needs and ensuring that migrants’ contributions are factored in when seeking to contribute to the development of communities of origin.

CTRS – Communauté Tunisienne Résidente en Suisse pour le développement (Community of Tunisian Residents in Switzerland for development)

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The CTRS project is an initiative of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) in Tunisia. The project interventions focus on cooperation with the Tunisian Government in line with its efforts in strengthening Tunisia’s links with its diaspora and to promoting the diaspora’s engagement in Tunisia’s national and local development.

The project aims at acknowledging the competences and skills of Tunisians living in Switzerland with view to strengthening their contribution to the socio-economic development of Tunisia in four areas:


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TawiPay ( is a pilot money transfer project that started in 2015. Its main goal is to increase transparency in remittance channels. The Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) financed the establishment of the two remittance channels, Switzerland–Serbia and Switzerland–Bosnia. The project’s objective is to enable migrants/diaspora communities to reduce the cost of sending money to their home countries.

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