MOA Between the PHL and the Kingdom of Bahrain on Health Services Cooperation

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

The MOA between the Philippines and Bahrain is aimed at creating alliances between the Philippines and Bahrain's recognized healthcare and educational institutions to produce sustainable international education, training and professional/technical development programs. The agreement includes the Exchange of Human Resources for Health, Scholarships Program and Academic Cooperation on Human Resources for Health and among others.

Consular Partnership Program

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

In order to assist DOL in the protection of migrant workers employed in the United States and to help communicate with workers whom it might not otherwise be able to reach, DOL has established formal partnerships with the embassies of Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru and the Philippines. DOL’s Bureau of International Labor Affairs which coordinates the program is working to expand these partnerships to embassies and consulates of other countries.

Manila Declaration to Enhance International Cooperation in Combating Human Trafficking

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

The Manila Declaration to Enhance International Cooperation in Combating Human Trafficking is an initiative between the Philippines and Netherlands. The Declaration strengthened cooperation and joint responsibility of each stakeholder to prevent, detect and prosecute human trafficking as well as provide victim protection. It also calls for the urgent need for a comprehensive approach to stop the news forms of modern-day slavery.

Regional Development and Protection Program

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

The Government of the Netherlands will lead the new and enlarged EU Regional Development and Protection Program (RDPP) in the Horn of Africa. The EU consortium of partners includes the European Commission, the European External Action Service, EU member states (Czech Republic, France, Greece, Italy, Luxemburg, Malta and the UK) and associated states (Norway, Switzerland).

Labor Rights Protection for Salvadoran Immigrants in the United States of America

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

On August 29, 2011, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of El Salvador and the Occupational Health and Security Administration of the US Department of Labor signed a memorandum of understanding in Washington, D.C., which recognized the joint commitment of both nations in the labor rights protection of Salvadoran immigrant workers.

National Employment Agency

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

Regarding the recognition of skills and qualifications, in partnership with the Swedish National Employment Agency, Moldova is consolidating its own National Employment Agency with the use of the latest tools and information technology, such as e-job fairs. An internship portal has recently been launched which motivates young Moldovans to return back home even for short periods of time. Moldova is undergoing projects on supporting migrants’ employment and skills recognition at the regional level.

Memorandum of Understanding between Trade Unions on migrant workers' rights

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

The Confederation of Indonesian Prosperity Trade Union (K-SBSI) and the Trade Union Congress of Malaysia (MTUC) concluded an Memorandum of Understanding in 2009 with the aim of jointly developing a system of protection of the rights of migrant workers in Malaysia.  Under the agreement, the K-SBSI and MTUC established information centres for migrant workers in Indonesia and Malaysia and conducted joint activities for the protection of migrant workers. 

Bi-national workers' agreement on promoting decent work for Migrant Domestic Workers

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

The agreement concluded in September 2014 aims to support the continuation of joint activities of trade unions and domestic workers' organisations from both countries as well as to strengthen organisations in Paraguay and their relations with regional and international unions. According to the Action Plan, an online Union Network will be established and a communication strategy using social networks will be developed in order to promote the knowledge and exercise the rights of domestic workers and migrants in Argentina and Paraguay.

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