COVID-19: Government grants residence to immigrants and asylum seekers

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During the COVID-19 pandemic, Portugal granted temporary residence status to more than 350 000 migrants, providing them full access to health care and social support. During this time, Portugal also granted universal access to COVID-19 vaccinations, vaccinating 600 000 migrants, including people without documentation.

Regularization process of Venezuelan migrants

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Ecuador began a year-long regularization process for thousands of Venezuelan migrants who are undocumented or lack visas or a legal right to stay in the country.

Thousands of Venezuelans have entered Ecuador in recent years, fleeing the economic crisis in their country. Many of them use the Andean nation as a transit country to others in South America such as Peru and Chile.

Vanuatu Climate change and disaster-induced
displacement policy

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Vanuatu is one of the first countries regionally and globally to prepare a comprehensive policy on internal displacement stemming from disasters and climate change which includes recommended actions on return and reintegration, local integration and planned relocation, as well as integrating human mobility into development planning across

Planned Relocation Guidelines

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These Guidelines provide for the voluntary, planned and coordinated movement of people to suitable locations, away from risk-prone areas, where they can enjoy their rights under customary, national and international law, fulfilment of which is necessary for relocation to be durable.
The Guidelines establish a framework for decision-making, planning and undertaking relocation in accordance with the principles in key regional and international frameworks that provide guidance for relocation, as applicable to the context of Solomon Islands.

Voices of Venezuela

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ëVoices of Venezuelaí: aims at building a bridge of understanding between cultures, combatting xenophobia, and showcasing the contribution of Venezuelan migrants to their host communities. It developed a series called ëSome Venezuelans Thereí, which provides explanatory videos in animated format to help migrantsí understand relevant processes such as visas/residence permits application, and access to medical care and education.

Refugee Council of Australia

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The Council represents over 200 Australian organisations and, over the last three decades, has conducted advocacy work on a range of policy issues, with a strong focus on campaigning against the conditions of Australiaís offshore migrant processing system in Nauru and Manus Island.

ëDel otro ladoí (On the other side)

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ëDel otro ladoí (On the other side) is a project ñ co-created with migrant and refugees ? that focuses on creating an interactive narrative, based on true stories, to inform the audience about Venezuelan displacement and raise awareness about the problems faced by Venezuelan refugees. A 3D computer-graphic was developed to allow the audience to choose among the different experiences that Venezuelan refugees and migrants in Ecuador had experienced.

The FAIRWAY Programme

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The FAIRWAY programme addresses underlying causes of decent work deficits at their source through national-level interventions in selected countries of origin in East, West and North Africa (Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Nigeria, and Morocco). In the Arab States, the programme provides continuity to interventions in countries of destination across the region by building on the work of the Fairway Middle East project (2016-2019), which target low-skilled migrant workers from all regions.

#TuCausaEsMiCausaí campaign

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IOM and UNHCR are coordinating In Peru the ë#TuCausaEsMiCausaí campaign. The campaign spans civil society and the private sector, and is designed to increase the solidarity of the Peruvian society towards Venezuelan immigrants, through social media, community workshops, and street theatre performance.

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