Escazú Agreement

Submitted by Costanza Bindi on

The Regional Agreement on Access to Information, Public Participation and Justice in Environmental Matters in Latin America and the Caribbean, also known as Escazú Agreement, was adopted on March 4, 2018 in Escazú, Costa Rica. This treaty strengthens the link between human rights and environmental defense by posing obligations on the States parties, regarding the protection of environmental human rights defenders. Thus, the Escazú Agreement promotes a four-pillar model of environmental democracy.

The New EU Pact on Migration and Asylum

Submitted by Costanza Bindi on

The New Pact on Migration and Asylum is a set of regulations and policies to create a fairer, efficient, and more sustainable migration and asylum process for the European Union. The Pact, which was proposed in September 2020 and agreed between the European Parliament and the Council in December 2023, is designed to manage and normalise migration for the long term, providing certainty, clarity and decent conditions for people arriving in the EU. It also establishes a common approach to migration and asylum that is based on solidarity, responsibility, and respect for human rights.

MigrantVoicesHeard - Enhancing the participation of migrants through the creation of migrant councils

Submitted by Costanza Bindi on

The aim of the MigrantVoicesHeard project is to promote refugee and migrant participation in the design and implementation of integration and related policies at the local, regional, and national levels in seven EU countries: Austria, Bulgaria, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, and Romania.

More specifically, the project aims to:

Agreements of the General Federation of Nepalese Trade Unions (GEFONT) with trade unions in Lebanon, Jordan, Kuwait, Bahrain, Hong Kong and the Republic of Korea.

Submitted by Costanza Bindi on

The General Federation of Nepalese Trade Unions (GEFONT) has been reaching out to trade unions in destination countries to ensure the protection of Nepalese migrant workers. They have moreover signed agreements and MoUs with trade unions in Lebanon, Jordan, Kuwait, Bahrain, Hong Kong, and the Republic of Korea to enhance Nepalese workers' rights in these countries.

Launch by the Arab Migrant Resource Centre (MRC) of a project aimed at supporting and empowering migrant workers from Asian countries based in Jordan

Submitted by Costanza Bindi on

The Arab Migrant Resource Centre (MRC) provides information and assistance, capacity building and services to support migrant workers in the region access decent work conditions, working hours, healthcare, justice, equal pay and gender equality. 

The MRC in 2018 launched a project aimed at supporting and empowering a total of 230,000 migrant workers from Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Myanmar and Indonesia based in Jordan. 


Submitted by Costanza Bindi on

DIASDEV is a joint project initiated by the French Development Agency and the Caisse des Dépôts from France, Italy, Morocco, Senegal and Tunisia and carried out in partnership with public-sector financial institutions in 2021. 

DIASDEV aims to increase diasporas’ capacity to mobilize their savings for investing in their countries of origin. To achieve this goal, the project is structured around two pillars: 

i) Facilitation fund for diasporas’ investments, offering funding for technical and financial assistance to financial operators, banks, post offices 

Virtual Museum of Caribbean Migration and Memory

Submitted by Costanza Bindi on

The design for the Virtual Museum of Caribbean Migration and Memory (VMCMM) began in 2017 as part of the EU-LAC Museums Horizons 2020 project. The virtual museum was paired with a complementary physical exhibition, The Enigma of Arrival: The Politics and Poetics of Caribbean Migration to Britain, designed by the Barbados Museum & Historical Society and The University of the West Indies, Cave Hill campus.

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