
In collaboration with the African diaspora in Europe, WIDU applies an innovative approach that combines funding and coaching to strengthen new and existing small businesses in Africa, which then leads to the creation of new jobs.

WIDU.africa works in close collaboration with different African diaspora organisations and associations based in Europe. This partnership is vital for the implementation of WIDU.africa and the success of the project as they create a bridge between the WIDU.africa project and its most important actors ñ the diaspora members.

Anonymous (not verified)

ìRencontres Internationales Sudî (International South Meetings)

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Organized in different countries and always under the impetus of diasporas, the RIS aim to promote a concerted and effective dynamic in favor of local development, by reinforcing South-South exchanges on the subject. To this end, they bring together representatives of the State, civil society, local authorities, development partners, as well as diaspora organizations represented within FORIM.

AFFORD Business Centre

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

AFFORD Business Centre is a space to connect with entrepreneurs in the UK and on the continent with shared focuses, value-systems, ambitions and experiences as yourself.

The ABC sits within one of the most innovative diaspora social enterprises in Europe, the African Foundation for Development (AFFORD). AFFORD has been working with African diaspora communities, global governments and institutions and the private sector for over 20 years.

Diaspora-led crowdfunding programme

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

The European Union Global Diaspora Facility (EUDiF), through the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD), is providing technical support to AFFORD to address SMEsí financing and skills gaps by developing the online fundraising capacity of African diaspora investors. The action is building capacity in crowdfunding for raising philanthropic and investment funds for AFFORD Business Centre (ABC) SMEs in West Africa.

African Diaspora Finance Corporation (ADFC)

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

ADFC will be set up as an independent, non-AU continental finance institution, operating as a social enterprise and working together with other African and global finance, development, and diaspora institutions. The first phase of the ADFC implementation involves the initiation of an innovative finance scheme through the RemitAidô Remittance Match Funding mechanism.

Regional Peer Learning Platform (Asia)

Submitted by Ms. Anqi ZHANG on

Peer learning exchanges between governments and civil society implementers have
facilitated the sharing of ideas, experiences, knowledge, and challenges on
implementing ATD. Some countries have made significant progress in restricting or
even ending the use of immigration detention for some or all groups of people, while
others are beginning to embark on this journey. While there is no one-size fits all
approach, the sharing of successes and lessons learned means that stakeholders

Documentation on alternatives to detention

Submitted by Ms. Anqi ZHANG on

International Detention Coalition (IDC) has documented diverse promising practices on alternatives to detention across Africa, from governments and NGOs, to generate momentum for rights-based practices. In 2017, IDC launched a research titled 'There are Alternatives : Africa' which documents promising practices in over 32 African countries. The report highlights some of the measures in place including laws, policies and practices in Africa that contribute to the effective and humane governance of migration, while avoiding the use of unnecessary immigration detention.

European Alternatives to Detention Network

Submitted by Ms. Anqi ZHANG on

The European Alternatives to Detention Network (EATDN) is a group of NGOs that aims to end immigration detention in Europe. Established in 2017, it brings together civil society organisations implementing case management-based ATD (alternatives to detention) pilots in seven European countries (Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Poland and the UK) in partnership with regional-level and international organisations.

Environmental Humanitarian Visa Program

Submitted by Ms. Anqi ZHANG on

The National Directorate of Migrations of Argentina implemented through Provision 891/2022 the Special Humanitarian Visa Program for nationals and residents of the United Mexican States, Central America and the Caribbean displaced by socio-natural disasters, named as "Environmental Humanitarian Visa Program", which aims to provide humanitarian protection, planned relocation and lasting solutions to people, nationals and residents in the United Mexican States, Central America and the Caribbean (23 States included) displaced by socio-natural disasters.

Regional Centre of Excellence and Capacity Building for Combatting Trafficking in Persons

Submitted by Ms. Anqi ZHANG on

Labour Market Regulatory Authority's Regional Centre of Excellence and Capacity Building for Combatting Trafficking in Persons (RCoE) is a specialized centre that is responsible for developing regional-specific modules and training material on combating trafficking in persons and victim assistance, in addition to delivering sessions and workshops, regionally. RCoE targets first responders from government and non-government entities to the crime of trafficking in persons, as well as practitioners who deal with victims of trafficking in persons.

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