
While migration to and within the Indian Ocean region has been increasing in recent years, available information and data on migration patterns are lacking. A better understanding of current migration trends is essential for policymakers to formulate intervention harnessing migration’s beneficial effects and mitigating its negative consequences. Statistical data on international migration flows and characteristics of population stocks with migration background represent the backbone of the Migration Profile whose main objective is to support an evidence-based policy.

Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Bosnia and Herzegovina Migration Profile (hereinafter: BiH Migration Profile) resulted from the need to establish a mechanism for gathering statistical data on migration and international protection, a system for processing migration statistics, and a system for timely and adequate reporting on migration flows in BiH. The aim of this document is to provide the BiH Council of Ministers with an insight into key migration trends, and the Ministry of Security with the possibility of developing adequate policies and adopting relevant regulations.


Over the last decade Zimbabwe experienced socio-economic challenges that led to multiple and complex migration issues characterized by high levels of brain drain, cross-border mobility and irregular migration. With estimates ranging from half a million to around 4 million Zimbabweans abroad, and despite recognized immense development potential of migration, the capacity of the Government to harness the development potential of migration has been constrained by a lack of adequate data and analysis of migration related indicators.


The 10th EDF Country Strategy Paper provides a framework for EC assistance programmes under the Cotonou Partnership Agreement for the years <year of signature> to 2013. The framework is based on EU/ACP cooperation objectives, such as poverty reduction, sustainable development and the gradual integration of ACP countries into the world economy. It also derives from Zambia’s policy agenda (5th National Development Plan 2006-2010, FNDP), an assessment of the country situation, and the activities of other major cooperating partners in Zambia (Joint Assistance Strategy Zambia, JASZ).


The purpose of this Country Strategy Paper (CSP) is to provide a framework for EC co-operation with Vanuatu under the Cotonou Agreement. The framework is based on global objectives of EC-ACP co-operation, Vanuatu’s own development policy, an analysis of the political and economic situation in the country, and an assessment of the past co-operation programmes of the EC and other donors. It concludes with the proposed EC response strategy of the 10th EDF and a National Indicative Programme (NIP).

United States

The United States is often regarded as the definitive “immigrant nation”. After more than two hundred years of significant inflows, immigration to the US is characterized by its diversity. Each year large numbers of people from different socio-economic, educational and ethnic backgrounds are drawn to the country.

United Kingdom

The MTM Interactive Map on Migration (i-Map) is an online interactive platform in support of the Mediterranean Migration Dialogue.

The country profiles provide factual, non-analytical information and a series of graphs illustrating the main datasets relevant to Migration and Development in the country.

The profiles give access to a plethora of information sources through hyperlinks and they cover the following thematic areas:

United Kingdom

The United Kingdom became a country of immigration after the Second World War, following large-scale immigration from its former colonies. Labour shortages generated by Britain’s relative postwar affluence were filled by colonial workers who took advantage of privileged immigration channels created by the country’s citizenship laws. Until the mid-1960s, migration was a market-driven phenomenon sanctioned by an imperial citizenship regime. Migration patterns were largely stable from the early 1970s until the 1990s, with migration disproportionately made up of family reunification.


This Extended Migration Profile (2011) has been prepared in the framework of the “Building Migration Partnerships” initiative funded by the European Union’s Thematic Programme, which was implemented between January 2009 and June 2011. The overall objective of this initiative was to contribute to the implementation of the Joint Declaration agreed at the Prague Ministerial Conference "Building Migration Partnerships" (April 2009). This Extended Migration Profile has been elaborated on the basis of a template prepared by the European Commission.


Migration in Ukraine: A Country Profile 2008” is part of a series of migration profiles produced by IOM Budapest within the “Black Sea Consultative Process on Migration Management” project, funded from IOM’s 1035 Facility. Nowadays, Ukraine is a country of origin, transit, and destination for migrants. The main bulk of immigrants originate in the FSU countries, whereas migrants from outside the former Soviet area constitute a less significant share of the total number of immigrants. Concerning emigration from Ukraine, the numbers vary greatly across sources.

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