
“Migration in Romania: A Country Profile 2008” is part of a series of migration profiles produced by IOM Budapest within the “Black Sea Consultative Process on Migration Management” project, funded from IOM’s 1035 Facility. Migration is one of the most pervasive socio-economic phenomena in Romania since the fall of communism in 1989. Since then, an estimated 10 to 15 per cent of the population has left the country. Remittances were and undoubtedly remain up to this day as one of the main benefits of the increasing outflow of people.

Republic of Korea

Over the past 20 years, the immigration into the Republic of Korea has increased at a rapid pace, while emigration of Korean nationals has declined substantially. Previously a country of emigration, Korea has now become a net migrant receiving country. Responding to this rapid change, the government of Korea in recent years has amended and adopted laws and regulations related to immigration, and has introduced new policies to facilitate the integration of migrants into Korean society.

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This Extended Migration Profile (2011) has been prepared in the framework of the “Building Migration Partnerships” initiative funded by the European Union’s Thematic Programme, which was implemented between January 2009 and June 2011. The overall objective of this initiative was to contribute to the implementation of the Joint Declaration agreed at the Prague Ministerial Conference "Building Migration Partnerships" (April 2009). This Extended Migration Profile has been elaborated on the basis of a template prepared by the European Commission.


The history of migration in Poland is characterised largely by emigration. Until the end of the 20th century, emigration took place both in large waves and in continual yearly movements.


Produced within the framework of the Migration Profile Development Project for the Philippines, the Country Migration Report: The Philippines (CMR) provides a comprehensive evidence-based account of the country’s migration experience in a single, concise document to serve as a tool for policy-making.

Papua New Guinea

The purpose of this Country Strategy Paper (CSP) is to provide the overall framework for EC cooperation with Papua New Guinea (PNG) in the context of the support to be provided under the 10th EDF (2008-2013). The framework is based on the global objectives of the EC-ACP co-operation, PNG’s own development strategy, an analysis of the political, economic and social situation in the country, and an assessment of the past cooperation programmes of EC and other donors.


The purpose of this Country Strategy Paper (CSP) is to provide a framework for EC co-operation with Palau under the Cotonou Agreement. The framework is based on global objectives of EC-ACP co-operation, country’s own development policy, an analysis of the political and economic situation in the country, and an assessment of the past co-operation programmes of the EC and other donors. It concludes with the proposed EC response strategy of the 10th EDF and an Indicative Programme.


The MTM Interactive Map on Migration (i-Map) is an online interactive platform in support of the Mediterranean Migration Dialogue.

The country profiles provide factual, non-analytical information and a series of graphs illustrating the main datasets relevant to Migration and Development in the country.

The profiles give access to a plethora of information sources through hyperlinks and they cover the following thematic areas:


Since the ending of military rule with the democratic elections in 1999, Nigeria has made some progress in adapting its governing mechanisms from a command to a consensual basis. Democratic and economic reforms, particularly at federal level, have helped to improve the country's investment climate and economic prospects through realistic efforts to consolidate the banking sector, control public expenditure and reduce public debt whilst continued efforts will be needed to curb corruption.

Broadening the scope of the Nigeria-EU dialogue


Nigeria is an important destination country for migrants in the West African region. The latest available figures indicate that the number of immigrants residing in Nigeria has more than doubled in recent decades. The majority of immigrants in Nigeria are from neighbouring ECOWAS countries.

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