GFMD Thematic Workshop on Climate and Human Mobility As part of a series of GFMD thematic workshops organized by the French Chair, a full-day workshop focusing on “Climate and human mobility” was held at the French Development Agency in Paris on 28 June 2023. The event drew participation from more...

Date Posted:Tuesday, 22 August 2023

GFMD Thematic Workshop on Culture, Narratives, and Human Mobility On June 27, 2023, the National Museum of Immigration History welcomed more than 130 representatives from Member States, civil society, the private sector, local authorities, youth, academics, and international organizations for a full...

Date Posted:Tuesday, 22 August 2023

Thematic Workshop on the Impact of Climate Change on Labour Migration A thematic workshop on the “Impact of Climate Change on Labour Migration” convened at the ILO headquarters in Geneva and online on March 29, 2023, aimed at providing insights into the upcoming 14th GFMD Summit scheduled for...

Date Posted:Tuesday, 22 August 2023

Following the launch of the 2022-2023 GFMD dialogue, African civil society and diaspora joined forces to build momentum around the GFMD and foster greater engagement of Africa and Africans in migration processes. The Abuja Civil Society Forum, a three-day event co-organised by African civil society...

Date Posted:Thursday, 11 May 2023

Withing the GFMD project, ‘It Takes A Community’ (ITAC), the first of two expert dialogues on migration narratives took place on 28 February 2023. A virtual, multi-stakeholder dialogue between communications experts from the region, this session built on the 2020 Latin American GFMD thematic...

Date Posted:Thursday, 11 May 2023