
This book explores migration in Malawi and discusses the most recent trends in the numbers and types of migrants, irregular migration, Malawian diaspora and remittance flows.


The first Migration Profile for Afghanistan is a tool for enhancing policy coherence, evidence-based policymaking and the mainstreaming of migration into development planning. Due to security challenges and limited institutional capacities in data collection, a lack of reliable migration data poses challenges to policymakers in Afghanistan to develop appropriate migration policies and relevant migration programmes.

It provides detailed information on the migration patterns in Afghanistan with a focus on circular migration and remittances.  

Republic of Moldova

This second Extended Migration Profile (EMP) Report of Moldova is a country-owned tool, prepared in consultation with a broad range of government and non-government stakeholders, to be used in enhancing policy coherence, evidence-based policy-making and mainstreaming migration into development planning. This EMP Report represents a continuation of the EMP exercise initiated by IOM Moldova in 2010.


Guatemala es la puerta de uno de los corredores migratorios más grandes del mundo debido a su posición geográfica y características económicas. Si bien este es un país de origen, tránsito, destino y retorno de migrantes, la emigración es la tendencia dominante. 


Dans un contexte comme Madagascar, ce premier profil migratoire a permis de définir des recommandations importantes qui permettront de renforcer la compréhension et les capacités vers une meilleure collecte et gestion des données sur la migration et de faire ainsi progresser le débat au niveau national et régional. Les tendances migratoires à Madagascar et ses effets sont très diverses, néanmoins, le phénomène de migration interne et les effets de la migration et l’environnement combinés avec un contexte socio-économique très précaire font aussi partie intégrante de ce rapport.


Figures presented in this first Migration Profile for Seychelles demonstrate that international migration trends are rapidly changing in Seychelles, which could have an impact on the Seychelles socioeconomic profile. Statistical data are key tools for the knowledge of migration processes and the development of relevant evidence-based policies. Like in many other countries, despite its well-developed statistical systems, Seychelles lacks reliable and detailed statistics in the field of international migration.


While migration to and within the Indian Ocean region has been increasing in recent years, available information and data on migration patterns are lacking. A better understanding of current migration trends is essential for policymakers to formulate intervention harnessing migration’s beneficial effects and mitigating its negative consequences. Statistical data on international migration flows and characteristics of population stocks with migration background represent the backbone of the Migration Profile whose main objective is to support an evidence-based policy.

Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Bosnia and Herzegovina Migration Profile (hereinafter: BiH Migration Profile) resulted from the need to establish a mechanism for gathering statistical data on migration and international protection, a system for processing migration statistics, and a system for timely and adequate reporting on migration flows in BiH. The aim of this document is to provide the BiH Council of Ministers with an insight into key migration trends, and the Ministry of Security with the possibility of developing adequate policies and adopting relevant regulations.


Over the last decade Zimbabwe experienced socio-economic challenges that led to multiple and complex migration issues characterized by high levels of brain drain, cross-border mobility and irregular migration. With estimates ranging from half a million to around 4 million Zimbabweans abroad, and despite recognized immense development potential of migration, the capacity of the Government to harness the development potential of migration has been constrained by a lack of adequate data and analysis of migration related indicators.


Uruguay se constituyó hasta mediados del siglo XX en un país de inmigración, recibiendo un aporte fundamental de los flujos migratorios de ultramar cuyos impactos se evidenciaron en sus estructuras demográficas, sociales y culturales. En la segunda mitad del siglo XX, las crisis económicas, sociales y políticas moldearon un nuevo patrón migratorio, esta vez orientado hacia el exterior, con sentido intrarregional, primero, y extrarregional, desde la década de los noventa.

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