Official Name
ISO2 Code
ISO3 Code
60 00 N
95 00 W
POINT (-95 60)
Attended Meeting
Financial Contribution

No Financial Contribution

RT Participation

No Participation

Attended Prep Meetings
Attended Summit
Financial Contribution

No Financial Contribution

RT Participation
  • Team Member in RT 1.1. "Protecting the Rights of Migrants - A Shared Responsibility" 
Attended Prep Meetings
Attended Summit
Financial Contribution

No Financial Contribution

RT Participation
  • Team Member in RT 1.2. "Engaging diasporas and migrants in development policies and programs - their roles? their constraints?
Attended Summit
Financial Contribution


RT Participation
  • Team Member in RT 1.1. "Partnerships for more regular and protected migration" 
Attended Prep Meetings
Attended Summit
Financial Contribution
  • USD 25,000 Non-earnmarked 
RT Participation
  • Team Member in Cluster 1 "Labour Mobility and Development" 
Attended Summit
Financial Contribution


RT Participation
  • Co-Chair in RT 3.1. "Improving Public Perceptions of Migrants and Migration" 
Attended Summit
Financial Contribution
  • USD 25,000 in December 2013 
RT Participation
  • Team Member in RT 1.1. "Operationalizing mainstreaming and coherence in migration and development policies" 
  • Rapporteur in RT 2.1. "Facilitating positive development impacts of diaspora engagement in skills transfer, investments and trade between countries of residence and origin" 
  • Team Member in Business Roundtable 
Attended Summit
Thematic Meetings
- Attended Thematic Meeting on "Operationalizing Mainstreaming of Migration in Development Policy and Integrating Migration in the Post-2015 UN Development Agenda" on 22 May 2013 in Geneva, Switzerland
- Participated in Thematic Meeting on "Recruitment, labour migration and diaspora: Improving labour market complementarities and economic development outcomes" on 11 September 2013 in Geneva, Switzerland
- Co-Convener in Thematic Meeting on "The Role of Business in International Migration: Engaging the private sector as partners for positive development outcomes" on 23 March 2014 in Geneva, Switzerland
Financial Contribution
  • USD 25,000 in February 2015
RT Participation

No Participation

Attended Summit
Thematic Meetings
- Attended Thematic Meeting on "Recognizing the contributions of women migrants to economic and social development in countries of origin and destination and addressing their specific needs, particularly concerning respect for their human rights" on 8 September 2015 in Geneva, Switzerland.
Financial Contribution


RT Participation
  • Rapporteur in RT 3.2. "Principles, institutions and processes for safe, orderly and regular migration"
Attended Prep Meetings
Attended Summit
Thematic Meetings
- Attended the Thematic Workshop on "Migration, Connectivity and Business" on 29 March 2016 in Bangkok, Thailand.
- Attended the GFMD Thematic Workshop on "Migration for Peace, Stability and Growth" on 19 July 2016 in New York, United States.
Financial Contribution
  • Fresh Contributions 
RT Participation
  • Team Member in RT 3.1. "Raising the Global Talent Pool - Harnessing the Potential of the Private Sector for Global Skills Partnerships" 
Attended Summit
Financial Contribution

Canada contributed with left-over from 2017; USD 25,000 (non-earmarked). Additionally, Canada contributed USD 25,000 (non-earmarked).

RT Participation

Roundtable Co-Chair in RT 1.1 "Harnessing the capital of migrants to realise their potential"

Attended Summit
Thematic Meetings
Participated in the Thematic Workshop on "Migration for Development: a roadmap to achieving the SDGs" and "Labour Migration and Skills"

Human Resources Modalities

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

Phillipines has signed an agreement for human resources modalities with four provinces in Canada. It has been clarified that immigration consultancy costs are unnecesary; hiring immigration consultant itself is not a requirement by the Canadian government.

Live-In Caregiver Program (LCP)

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The Program permits Canadian families to hire workers from abroad to provide care to a child, an elderly person or an adult with disabilities. Caregivers are obliged to work for two years and afterwards they and their immediate families abroad become eligible to apply for permanent residence. The LCP is the only federal program providing direct access to permanent residence for TFWs with lower skill levels.

Federal Skilled Worker Program

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The main objective of this program is to attract skilled workers who can succeed in the Canadian economy. It was established to serve the Canadian labour market. The key is to recognize different certification processes for industrial, electrical and construction, equipment operation, natural resources, agricultural and utilities sectors.


Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The TRIANGLE project aims to significantly reduce the exploitation of labour migrants in the region through increased legal and safe migration and improved labour protection. The project will promote both bilateral and regional approaches to deal with shared concerns, make regionalism more effective, and enhance the capacity of institutions in ASEAN. The project objectives are in line with the strategic priorities of the ASEAN Labour Ministers Work Programme (2010-2015).

Youth Exchange Program (Lithuania and Canada)

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The purpose of the Agreement is to create the opportunities for youth to deepen their professional and language skills, study and work during holidays in another contracting state, and get to know its people and culture.

The Youth Exchange Programme is open to:

(1) citizens of the Republic of Lithuania and Canada, including graduates from a university, higher education institution or research institution, who wish to obtain further training in the host country under a pre-arranged contract of employment in support of their career development;

Mauritius' Circular Migration Case

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

As part of its reform program and human resource development (HRD) strategy, Mauritius has been active in promoting circular migration. Since 2006, Mauritians have embarked on Circular Migration Programmes and some 300 workers have taken employment in Canada. In April 2010, a Bilateral Agreement with France was ratified; its implementation will start soon.

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