Vivre ensemble sans discrimination ('Living Together without Discrimination')

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The project ëLiving together without discriminationí ? implemented by the National Human Rights Council and the Moroccan Government ? intends to strengthen instruments and public policies to fight and prevent racism, discrimination and xenophobia towards the migrant population.

Programa de InmersiÛn Cultural y Voluntariado ("Cultural Immersion and Volunteering Programme")

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The programme aims to provide a cultural immersion experience in Mexico that allows young Mexicans to strengthen their ties with the country and foster cultural ties, as well as to facilitate a volunteer work opportunity in support of the communities with emphasis on the regions of origin of Mexican migrants.

ìSemana de EducaciÛn Financiera Integral para Mexicanos en el Exterior (SEFIME)î (Week of Financial Inclusion of Mexicans Abroad)

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

SEFIME is a government initiative that seeks to bring financial programs and services to the Mexican diaspora through the Mexican Consular Network in the USA, Canada, Latin America and Europe.
SEFIME offers workshops, training, talks, counseling, among others, on topics related to financial education and inclusion aimed at the Mexican community living abroad, in order to strengthen the tools they have related to the planning and management of their resources.

Contributions and Counting Guidance on Measuring Diaspora Contributions beyond Remittances

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Contributions and Counting: Guidance on Measuring the Economic Impact of your Diaspora beyond Remittances provides guidance for governments and national authorities looking to understand and measure the economic contributions made by their diaspora to their country of origin ñ that is, contributions beyond financial remittances.

Online Certificate Programme: Migration Governance and Diaspora Engagement

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The ëMigration Governance and Diaspora Engagementí Certificate Programme is interdisciplinary and policy oriented, with resource persons and lecturers drawn from various sectors and thematic domains, regions and countries. They will share their experiences to provide, not only multiple perspectives, but also help the learner to develop a nuanced understanding of the dynamics of international migration and diaspora engagement.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

In collaboration with the African diaspora in Europe, WIDU applies an innovative approach that combines funding and coaching to strengthen new and existing small businesses in Africa, which then leads to the creation of new jobs. works in close collaboration with different African diaspora organisations and associations based in Europe. This partnership is vital for the implementation of and the success of the project as they create a bridge between the project and its most important actors ñ the diaspora members.

Youth Leadership and Innovation Award

Submitted by Ms. Anqi ZHANG on

The Youth Leadership and Innovation Award for Migration (YLIA) is a global contest empowering young leaders to drive innovative solutions for migration challenges. The inaugural Youth Leadership and Innovation Award for Migration organised as part of youth engagement in the 2021 Global Forum for Migration and Development Summit, awarded cash prizes totaling $33,000 to three winning youth initiatives. These were chosen from nine finalists by a high-level jury during a pitching and awards ceremony during the GFMD summit itself.

Welcoming San José Plan 2.0: Moving toward Civic, Economic, Linguistic, and Social Inclusion 2021-2024

Submitted by Ms. Anqi ZHANG on

This action was submitted through the GFMD Mayors Mechanism Call to Local Action for Migrants and Refugees.
The Welcoming San José Plan is a community-derived set of 23 strategies across four core pillars which aim to facilitate and accelerate immigrant inclusion in civic, economic, linguistic, and social aspects of life in San José and ensure that immigrants and refugees are engaged, respected, and have opportunities to reach their fullest potential.
The Four Pillars of the Welcoming San José Plan are:

Green Jobs and Just Transition project

Submitted by Ms. Anqi ZHANG on

This action was submitted through the GFMD Mayors Mechanism Call to Local Action for Migrants and Refugees.
As a follow-up to the pilot on the equity impact of job growth tied to green investments realized with C40 Cities in 2021, the City of Milan will launch a second phase of the project aiming to develop a flagship programme on public housing retrofits and construction. This will help the city to move from data collection and analysis to policy making, delivering equitably distributed green jobs through climate action implementation. The flagship programme will indeed:

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