Consolidating Moldova’s Migration and Development Institutional Framework (MIDIDOM)

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This project is a part of a larger multi-year intervention “Moldova – Making the Most of Migration”, funded by the Swiss Development Cooperation and beginning in mid-2015.

The project is implemented in partnership between IOM Moldova and the Diaspora Relations Bureau (BRD) in synergy and close coordination with the two other SDC commissioned project (implemented by UNDP and IASCI).

Remittances and Payments Program RPP

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The program’s overarching strategic goal is to improve the overall market for remittances and ultimately achieve further financial inclusion, broader usage of electronic payments and the reduction of the cost of remittances while maintaining financial stability. This will allow migrants and their families a net increase of the available resources for their daily needs, savings as well as investments.

The program is executed by the World Bank’s Financial Infrastructure and Remittances Service Line, which is part of the joint WB/IFC Finance and Markets Global Practice.

SECO Start-up Fund

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The SECO Start-up Fund is a risk capital vehicle launched in 1997 by the Swiss Goverment. The Fund is fully owned by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) and is an instrument of SECO’s Economic Cooperation and Development Division. The Fund is managed by FinanceContact Ltd., a Zürich-based private management company.


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TawiPay ( is a pilot money transfer project that started in 2015. Its main goal is to increase transparency in remittance channels. The Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) financed the establishment of the two remittance channels, Switzerland–Serbia and Switzerland–Bosnia. The project’s objective is to enable migrants/diaspora communities to reduce the cost of sending money to their home countries.

Crowdfunding portal to support human trafficking victims (

Submitted by system admin on is a crowdfunding portal to support voluntary return and sustainable integration of human trafficking victims launched in 2015 through a partnership between IOM and Microsoft. The site is backed by Microsoft Azure cloud-computing platform, while IOM provides the resources to help human trafficking victims. The platform meets IOM`s strict requirements for victim privacy and protection and is in place not only help victims, but also to raise awareness for human trafficking and enhance the global commitment to stopping it.

"" – the website of the Albanian-speaking diaspora in Switzerland

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The mission of the interactive media platform is twofold:

a) Active Citizenship and harmonious integration of people and ethnic Albanian populations in Switzerland

The purpose of is to be used as a communication tool through free and convenient access to quality non-partisan information and services.

Plural+ Video Festival

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Launched in 2009, PLURAL+ is a joint initiative of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM), with a network of more than 50 partner organizations around the globe.

Media Professionals Training

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IOM helps in building the capacities of media professionals and students to implement good standards in their reporting of migration issues. One example of this is IOM's project 'Migrants in the Spotlight: Training and Capacity Building for Media', which included training seminars in 2011 for journalists and media students from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania and Slovakia to raise awareness about reporting on migration issues.

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