Research Monograph series

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

ëGlobal Research Forum on Diaspora and Transnationalismí (GRFDT): GRFDT publishes a Research Monograph series, since January 2015, that seeks to promote a balanced migration narrative and counter misinformation about migrants and refugees. A media outreach platform, ëthe Migration Newsí, covers issues related to Migration and Diaspora. Also, the GRFDT ñ in preparation of the Digital Museum of Diaspora ? trained more than 120 interns in its various migration-related activities such as migration media, digital museum, and research.

Diaspora Mapping Toolkit

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

The Diaspora Mapping Toolkit builds on IOMís rich experience of over 150 diaspora mappings implemented across diverse contexts, this Toolkit presents a systematic, comprehensive yet very flexible and agile approach to conducting diaspora mappings in differing contexts. By following the proposed clear guidance on how to collect and analyse data on diaspora communities, decision makers will have the possibility to create more strategic and evidence-based policies empowering diaspora members to contribute and engage thus maximizing their contributions to development.

Online Certificate Programme: Migration Governance and Diaspora Engagement

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

The ëMigration Governance and Diaspora Engagementí Certificate Programme is interdisciplinary and policy oriented, with resource persons and lecturers drawn from various sectors and thematic domains, regions and countries. They will share their experiences to provide, not only multiple perspectives, but also help the learner to develop a nuanced understanding of the dynamics of international migration and diaspora engagement.

Green Jobs and Just Transition project

Submitted by Ms. Anqi ZHANG on

This action was submitted through the GFMD Mayors Mechanism Call to Local Action for Migrants and Refugees.
As a follow-up to the pilot on the equity impact of job growth tied to green investments realized with C40 Cities in 2021, the City of Milan will launch a second phase of the project aiming to develop a flagship programme on public housing retrofits and construction. This will help the city to move from data collection and analysis to policy making, delivering equitably distributed green jobs through climate action implementation. The flagship programme will indeed:

Kampala for All: Safety Nets for Recovery

Submitted by Ms. Anqi ZHANG on

This action has been submitted through the Mayors Mechanism Call to Local Action for Migrants and Refugees. The Local or regional government submitting this action has signed the Marrakech Mayors Declaration where they commit to endorse the set of cross-cutting and interdependent guiding principles identified in the GCM, and endorse the guiding principles and objectives of the GCR and its programme of action.

Advisor for migratory affairs of the mayor's office

Submitted by Ms. Anqi ZHANG on

This action was submitted through the GFMD Mayors Mechanism Call to Local Action for Migrants and Refugees.
Colombia has faced the second largest migratory crisis in the world with Bogotá being the Latin American and Caribbean capital with the most Venezuelan migrants in its territory. Currently there are around 397.716 venezuelan migrants in Bogotá, 21.7% of the total migrant population in Colombia.

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