Central Administration of the Health System

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

Special programs to recruit health professionals from abroad, have been created in Portugal, who sees them as “an important answer to overcome the lack of doctors and nurses,” and filling urgent needs in the health system. The supply of qualified doctors in some Latin America countries has led to bilateral and multilateral agreements between the Portuguese government, sending countries (including Uruguay, Cuba, Colombia and Costa Rica), and health institutions.

Department of Migration, Repatriation and Refugee Issues - Georgia

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

Georgia’s main migration document prioritizes the promotion of legal migration and strengthening migrants’ rights, and calls for practical approaches to issues like diaspora contributions to state development, the benefits of international migration, and harnessing migration’s positive social and economic impacts.

New Immigration Code (Greece)

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

According to the new Immigration Code, third-country nationals legally residing in Greece are entitled to free movement and establishment all over the country. They enjoy the same rights as nationals concerning social security and social protection. Migrant minors are subject to obligatory school attendance as nationals and they enjoy free access to all activities within the educational communities at all levels of education.

Human Resources Modalities

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

Phillipines has signed an agreement for human resources modalities with four provinces in Canada. It has been clarified that immigration consultancy costs are unnecesary; hiring immigration consultant itself is not a requirement by the Canadian government.

Labour Immigration Reform

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

Sweden reformed its labour immigration rules in 2008. The reform is designed to create a demand-driven, effective and flexible system which will make it easier for people to come to Sweden and work, and for Swedish companies to recruit labour from outside the EU/EEA area . The Swedish system recognizes that we need workers of all skill levels and in many different branches and sectors. The reform is therefore designed to allow workers of all skill levels to migrate to Sweden under one general framework and with access to a wide range of rights.

Spain-ECOWAS Fund on Migration and Development

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

This trust fund was set up with the double aim of strengthening the work of the ECOWAS in the field of migration and development, and also financing civil society and other institutional projects at national and local levels in the areas of policy development and implementation, strengthening of coordination structures, promoting free circulation of people and preventing irregular migration.

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