The IOM Independent Network of Labour Migration and Integration Experts

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The IOM Independent Network of Labour Migration and Integration Experts (LINET) was created in 2009 by the International Organization for Migration in order to provide the Directorate General of Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion of the European Commission with expert analysis and advice on economic migration and labour market integration of third country nationals.

Global Mapping Study: Engaging with the Private Sector on International Migration

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

Commissioned by the GFMD, the mapping study was carried out by the Hague Process on Refugee and Migration with assistance of International Organisation of Employers (IOE), the World Economic Forum (WEF), the Council for Global Immigration and other contributing partners in order to gather information on how to deepen and diversify GFMD engagement with targeted business sectors including construction; mining and extractives, recruitment, insurance, financial services, and others.

EU Employer Sanctions Directive

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The Employer Sanctions Directive sets out rules to target employers who employ irregular migrants. For example, employers hiring undeclared workers would face sanctions, including fines and paying back wages to their workers. In some cases – such as repeated or conscious hiring of undocumented migrants, or hiring of children or victims of human trafficking – the employers could be punished under criminal law. Furthermore, the legislation includes protection measures in favour of non-EU workers, especially those exploited by unscrupulous employers.

EU Protection of Seasonal Workers Directive

Submitted by Mr. Dário Muhamudo on

The Seasonal Workers Directive, which was agreed upon in 2014, should ensure that seasonal workers will enjoy equal treatment with EU nationals in terms of employment, including the minimum working age and working conditions, including pay and dismissal, working hours, leave and holidays, as well as health and safety requirements at the workplace. To this end, it should help prevent exploitation and protect the health and safety of non-EU seasonal workers.

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