EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa

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As part of the European Agenda on Migration, the European Union has launched the European Trust Fund for Africa. Through funding specific projects linked to the creation of employment opportunities, the enhancement of food and nutrition security or the improvement of migration management, the objective of the Fund is to foster stability along the migration route to Europe and work with African partners.

Assist Well Programme

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The government’s "Assist WELL" Program caters to returning Filipino migrant workers displaced from their jobs due to war, epidemic, calamities, and other critical situations at their worksites.

The acronym WELL refers to 'Welfare, Employment, Livelihood, and Legal services' offered by the Labor Department to overseras Filipinos workers, with the participation of its attached agencies. 

Improving human security for vulnerable communities in southwest Serbia

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

The project’s objective is to promote economic security and social cohesion towards improving the overall human security of vulnerable communities in Sandžak. To this end, the project proposes to: (i) improve income generation and open employment opportunities for vulnerable populations; (ii) enhance inter-ethnic understanding and community cohesion; (iii) increase access to social and public services and provide official documentation to displaced groups; and (iv) promote the human security concept within central and local governments and civil society organizations.

Transitional Solutions Initiative for Refugees and their Host Communities in Eastern Sudan (2011-2013)

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

Eastern Sudan was selected as a pilot area for the Transitional Solutions Initiative (TSI). The goal of the project was to enhance self-reliance, reduce aid dependency and assist the socio-economic integration by restoring and expanding sustainable livelihoods opportunities for refugees and host communities.

Continuous survey of Australia's migrants (CSAM)

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The CSAM measures the labour market integration of recently arrived migrants in the Skill and Family Streams. Findings from this survey help us to inform the size and composition of Australia's Migration Programme.

Migrants taking part in the CSAM are surveyed on two occasions to capture changes in their labour market status. This provides reliable insights into the migrant integration process, and the extent of underemployment against the backdrop of a changing labour market.

Philippine Medium Term Development Plan (2004 - 2010)

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

The basic task of the Medium-Term Philippine Development Plan (MTPDP), 2004-2010 was  to fight poverty by building prosperity for the greatest number of the Filipino people. 

With more than 4 million workers abroad, the Philippines systematically included labor emigration in the Plan to supplement its wider national program of job generation to alleviate poverty. The plan includes, for instance, topics such as dealing with brain drain by turning push factors into pull factors

Livelihood Development Program (LDP) for Filipino migrants

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

The Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA)-National Livelihood Support Fund (NLSF) Livelihood Development Program is a joint undertaking of OWWA and NLSF to address the economic component of the Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW) Reintegration Program. It is a lending program for Overseas Filipino Workers and/or their family, who plan to open a business or improve an existing business. It is meant to further improve access to entrepreneurial development opportunities and credit facilities to OFWs, their families, and organizations.

Empowerment Programme, Mauritius

Submitted by Ms. Laurence BRON on

The Government of Mauritius has established a multi-agency "Empowerment Programme", in order to, among other objectives, mount training and re-skilling programmes for the unemployed and to enhance Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) development.  Established in 2006,  the Programme has become today an important tool in efforts to reskill those who have lost jobs in declining sectors, to reintegrate those who are left behind and to prevent those on the periphery from sliding into poverty. 

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