e Moldova ta

Submitted by Costanza Bindi on

The Moldovan government launched "e Moldova ta”, which is an online communication platform promoting diaspora engagement, information services, mobilisation of expertise for different sectors and active participation in the development of our country.

Diaspora Succeeds at Home “DAR 1+3” Program

Submitted by Costanza Bindi on

The model of engaging diaspora in local development is successfully adopted by the Government of the Republic of Moldova at the national level with the Diaspora Succeeds at Home “DAR 1+3” Program. Implemented in 2020 by the State Chancellery, through the Bureau for Diaspora Relations (BDR), it focuses on mobilising diaspora’s human and financial potential for the local socio-economic development of the country.

International Young Farmers’ Exchange Program (IYFEP) between Uganda and Germany

Submitted by Costanza Bindi on

The Young Farmers’ Federation of Uganda (UNYFA) in partnership with the Schorlemer Foundation of the German Farmers’ Association (DBV) have set up the International Young Farmers Exchange Program. 

Together they organize a three-month stay on a host farm in Germany or Uganda in two exchange rounds (April - June, August to October) for up to 70 young farmers in order to carry out a professional and cultural exchange. This practical experience is accompanied by a three-part seminar series in cooperation with the Andreas Hermes Academy (AHA)

ANVITA’s Annual “Guide for A Welcoming France”: Providing Advocacy Tools and Policy Guidance for Local Governments

Submitted by Mr. Camille Saadé on

ANVITA commits to publish an annual guide entitled "For a Welcoming France: Inspiring Territorial Practices" to highlight inspirational practices of local and regional governments that unconditionally welcome migrants and refugees. 

Project to Avert, Minimize and Address Disaster Displacement

The Project to Avert, Minimize and Address Disaster Displacement (PAMAD) aims to develop a better understanding of displacement in the context of losses and damages associated with climate change and support measures aimed at averting, minimizing and addressing displacement and its impacts for vulnerable people and communities.

Develop a better understanding of displacement in the context of losses and damages associated with climate change

Ms. Anqi ZHANG

Moroccan Dialect Classes in Terrassa, Spain: Equipping Teachers with Language, Intercultural, and Anti-Racist Skills

Submitted by Ms. Anqi ZHANG on

The City of Terrassa commits to implement an anti-racist and intercultural educational strategy by providing language and cultural training to its primary and secondary grade teachers.

Facilitated by professionals, these courses were developed to meet the needs of Terrassa’s Moroccan population, which represents the largest foreign population (6.13% of the city's inhabitants, with a distribution of up to 40% in some neighbourhoods). The courses help teachers acquire basic language skills to improve interaction with their students of Moroccan origin and their families.

Pledge of the City of Zürich to the European Pillar of Social Rights: Ensuring access to municipal services for all

Submitted by Ms. Anqi ZHANG on

The City of Zürich commits to improve access to all its municipal services with a special focus on vulnerable groups. Limited access can affect people with disabilities, older people, people experiencing poverty, refugees or migrants, for example. Among those, migrants with irregular status are particularly vulnerable. In this vein, Zurich commits to:

Carmen de La Legua: Municipal Plan of Local Action to Build a Future with Migrants and Refugees 2023 - 2026

Submitted by Ms. Anqi ZHANG on

The municipal government of Carmen de la Legua commits to the implementation of a Municipal Plan of Local Action to build a future with Migrants and Refugees 2023-2026, which will allow:

Contribute to the elimination of all forms of discrimination and promote evidence-based public discourse.
Promote the mainstreaming of migration and forced displacement in municipal services, as well as in local, regional, and multilateral partnerships as a mechanism to increase cooperation between cities.

Specifically, this plan prioritizes, among other things:

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